Hey guys,
Click the link, I can guarentee you that you will laugh at this sportscasters nightmare.
Sportscaster Nightmare! – VIDEO
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Translating Dreams To Poetry
Hey guys,
Click the link, I can guarentee you that you will laugh at this sportscasters nightmare.
Sportscaster Nightmare! – VIDEO
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i like that…its really going along with the theme of my love and butterflies ideas.
thanks 🙂 nice to meetcha
oh no i dont like my poems they can use a lot of help they are all stupid child poems like eww but your poems are good really good!
hey tnx for the props and for the compliment as well…glad u liked the lyrics i posted…hey ur site is great…and i enjoyed reading ur poems too…keep posting aightzzz….cyah!!
ROFL..you know that kid had to feel bad…
i appreciate your comment i will keep wirting and i will keep reading your poetry
hey, thanks for the comment. didn’t mean to keep you up at night or anything 🙂
gosh i feel so sad for that guy. i guess its nervousness. having been in a similar position, i can’t help but feel sorry for the guy. anyways, i appreciated your comments. its good to know that someone out there appreciate what’s been written by you. it’s a great sense of relief for me and i can’t thank you enough for your honest appreciation. i’ve enjoyed your poems. keep writing and take care.
Hey, I’ll post it today, okay? I didn’t know you actually wanted another installment! Bye!
heyy how ru thnx 4 the comment!!
ryc: Where my being came from …
I was born two blocks from the Wisconsin River. I am the fourth generation to grow up on its banks, live and work with its waters. As sappy as it sounds, I feel like I came from it and that it’s where I will return to.
Thank you for the comment. I appreciate your poetry. Very moving.
Thanks. I must say it’s different from most of my poetry. I may revise it. It carries some poetic flaws.
For the most part I do the same. Look at a poem from its wide context, not for its complete structure. Poetic archetypes for me aren’t meant to be built with complete perfection. Which is why I love to write in only free verse. I loathe restriction. If the world was absent with flaws, yes it would be boring. To the T.
thnx! i really appreciate thatatleast someones eadin my stuff lol ttyl
ah i love how you put your words, you could take scribbles and make them marvolous
thanks for the comment =)
thanx for the comment…haha..yeah..sorry..my background does make it hard to read…;) it used to be worse….
Hey. I just wanted to say thank you for your post…keep in touch!
Thank you for the comment.
More poetry will come, when I get motivated to dig it out of hiding. 
Hey there, thank u so much for that comment, it was beautiful, really. Elenni x x x x
ok then thanks for the comment then thankyou for saying i was a really good poet i think you are too and thankyou for taking an intrest in my work… do you have anything published or have yo won any contests or are in any contests? ok so ig2g so ttfn
i see you’re not shy on the comments to people. but thanks for appreciating my Apt.4 poem. catch ya later, alligator