A day I thought I am going to sleep all day. But today morning my Broadband guys called me and said they are going to disconnect my connection if I don’t pay them now. The automatic bill pay failed once more, I told them that I will pay with my credit card and gave the same credit card I used for the automatic bill pay, the lady told me to hold and in about half a minute came back on and told that I don’t owe them any money as the automatic bill pay worked yesterday and apologized for the mistake. DAMN I said, I couldn’t sleep all night and I slept at 7:00 AM and this call woke me up at 9:45AM.
Had my breakfast stretched a bit to relieve my back and it’s still sore but I am getting used to it. Took my poems and gone through it once more but I know I cannot write even one line today. So here is a poem I wrote back in 1999 from a piece of verse I wrote sometime back in 1996. There is a long story behind this poem but that is out of context here. Visit LonelyPoet.Com if you can and try to understand the circumstances which prompted me to elaborate on an old idea. I hope you all will enjoy this poem.
Your Love.
I’ve heard the sounds water made,
Upon the the pebbles beneath.
I’ve heard the birds sing,
Upon the oak with joy.
I’ve heard the clasp of the branches,
When the wind blows with care.
All those gave a feeling of love in me.
I’ve seen the waves love to die at shore.
I’ve seen the flowers open a little more,
For giving comfort for the bees.
I’ve seen the smile of the cute kid,
Who have only innocence to give.
And all those gave a feeling of love in me.
I’ve tasted the purity of the pure water,
I’ve tasted the freshness of the ripe fruits,
I’ve tasted the sweetness of the sweet tears.
And all those gave a feeling of love in me.
In my deep breaths I’ve felt,
The smell of the fresh blossomed jasmine,
The smell of the healing plants,
The smell of the pure nature.
And all those gave a feeling of love in me.
I always wished it all, to be there in one place,
To feel it all, to smell it all,
To hear it all, to taste it all,
Together once in my life time,
My prayers were answered,
I got it all in your love for me.
©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. This poem was released in LonelyPoet.Com druing the spring of 1999.

Very cool I liked your peom. I write peoms and Iam currently trying to write a book and would love to hear your thoughts about my work. Even if you don’t like it you can tell me how to improve. Thanks for your time!
P.S you don’t have to if you don’t wan’t to. Bye!
no i completely respect you for that, and thanks. it helped me come to understand what muslims believe, since i really had no clue to it before now. i guess you know what christians believe so i won’t go into detail, but if you ever have any questions for me. i’d be happy to talk to ya about it. have a great nite now…
No, no, no…you don’t understand. I stopped writing during the third chapter a LONG time ago. If I stop writing it, it won’t be because of a little criticism! Don’t worry. Anyway, I guess I can give you the rest if you truly want it, but I’ll admit, it’s kind of embarrassing having an adult read it when even I think it’s freakin’ weird/stupid. I’ll give you part of my new story tomorrow. I’ve only just started it. Ever hear of John Adams who lived in the turn of the century? If you haven’t, look him up on google. You’ll get a pretty good idea of my story after reading about him. (My new story is WAY different from my old one.) Thanks, bye!
I loved the images in your words. The depth of emotion was very real. Great read. I’ll have to come back and catchup on your other works.
That was yet again great.Images,depth,and emotion great.I enjoy reading your stuff!
=] i subscribed so i could read your wonderous poems.
Thanks for the comment, i’ll give your suggestion a try. your poetry is beautiful.
i like that in your signature, you ensured that you did not exclude any gender in the subject matter, hence the “he/she”. its the one thing people always forget, myself included, so i think it’s cool that you made sure you included both.
you are one of the few people i know who believe in love so strongly and purely. most of the love poems i read these days have some form of bleakness but ur poems are usually optimistic. keep looking up! take care
*sweet sighs* and a mona smile….thinking your right down my isle.
didn’t mean for that to rhyme…just happened
I need to read a love poem today and you were there for me.
hey there, i hope things look up for u. love ur post once again. American Chopper is cool, i love it. xxxxxxx
very interesting…you? you look at whats there. something that is hidden well enough. ..others may not see it. but feel it only. in your poems you have depth and an endless emotional side to it. as you depict yourself.
it’s late thats all i have to say.
Thanks for your compliment. As for the results, I cant say that they are definately true coz most stuffs on the internet isn’t. I juz happened to get it from a friend who sent the image to me and I thought I’d share it with others.
But there is a small paragraph at the bottom of the picture that says “the tests and data were administered via the Ravern’s APT and The Test Agency, one of the UK’s leading publishers and distributors of psychometric tests. This data has been published in the Economist and the St Petersburg times though it does not mean it should be taken as fact.”
So it might be true but it might not be also…
Good job on the poem. I like it! =)
Cool Poem. Usually I don’t do well understanding poems, but I think I get this one. I wish I had that kind of talent.
You should be very proud of your work.
yeah that’s cool, so you write like everyday or what? i can only write poems when i feel inspired to, which is usually only like once every week or so. any other time i would try and write, it just doesn’t work.
Thanx so much for ur support. But i feel so fat, ana is a drag on u. Constantly. Thanx. Elenni x x x x x x
exactly right the poet is talking about that and yes it is anonymous i got it off the internet somewhere i dont remeber where now are you a poet? cause i am well ttyl!
thank you so much for the comment. I only wish that was me in the profile pic hehe! anyway, i LOVE your sight. any time you want to talk I’m here.
Hey…thanks for reading and also subscribing! come back any time. I like your writtings as well.
thanks for the comment.. you have an awesome site. u really have somethin with poems
great job
Thanks. I know ur right, its just difficult. Hope ur having a good weekend. Elenni x
no pr0blem sites hAwt h0llErr