Thanks for all the comments about my poem and to all who took time and effort to visit back. Yesterday was a disaster, I felt sick with back pain, stomach pain and I became a total pain in the ass for myself.
Today I woke up at 1:00PM and walked straight into the toilet and my ugly, unshaven face scared the shit out of me. Thought I will shave but as it makes little difference and I am not going out for at least another couple of days. The procrastinator in me woke up and distracted me off it. Then I remembered this poem I wrote in 1999 in Ft-Lauderdale, FL. As I am working on two different poems which is not complete yet, I hope you all will enjoy this one.
Epitaph Of The Lonely Stranger.
My first love left me, with blame on me,
Then I saw a lonely stranger smiling at me,
My second love left me, with blame on me,
Then I saw the lonely stranger laugh,
When I left the third one,
He celebrated my loss, a whole year.
Now alone trying to laugh away the pain,
But the more I laugh,
More tears fill my eyes,
More fragile becomes the folds of my heart,
And the lonely stranger still celebrates,
He who gave all the misconceptions,
He who intelligently made me wrong,
He added weight, when I went lean,
He who lives in me, with me , all my life,
But every word of love to me, hurts him,
The more loved I am, the more he bleeds,
Hey, beauty by the road side,
Let your first word of love to me, be,
An epitaph of the lonely stranger.
©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. This poem was written in Ft-Lauderdale, FL.
It was released on the web as part of the first poems in the pilot run of LonelyPoet.Com.
Hey guys,
Click the link, I can guarentee you that you will laugh at this sportscasters nightmare.
Sportscaster Nightmare! – VIDEO
Hi All,
I am back from couple of days of rest and work and rest. I did not do anything to actually write in here. Today is good. My visa extension got approved, woohoo. … well still a long way to go to get that green card.
Other than that, nothing much. I thought I will post the first draft of the poem I am working on, please look at the entry on Tuesday, March 29, 2005. I’ve told you all that I am going to elaborate on that idea. I did worked on it. Then did modifications here and there and my usual drill of leaving it for at least 48 hours before I do anything with the poem.
Ageless Life.
My loving heart filled with passions,
Lusty thoughts and arrogance charged,After every glimpse of loving eyes.
Dates and romances filled,
Days, evenings and deep dark nights,
Where thoughts and words of love,
Weaved dreams of lifetimes ahead.
No man felt the love so high,
Of hearts filled with pure love,
No man felt the care so well,
Of paternal and maternal love,
And I had those magic words to get all those,
Oh’ how many wonderful moments filled,
Like the golden rays spreading,
All over the horizon,
My life filled with the colors of joy,
And in my younger days I achieved happiness.
All those days passed me by,
Leaving a dark cloud that always loomed,Over me with vengeance,
And an unknown shadow that tripped me down,
At every step to success in life.
Arrogance in achievement and pride in self,
Anger and lust and the deceptions for it all,
All I left for compassion and love,
But the lusty past like a monster growled,
And that unknown shadow filled everywhere.
I am my own enemy I said,
When sadness, frustration and fear conquered,
Every corner of my imagination.
Days are days and they all start,
Bright and cool and end in dark,With colors over the horizon spread,
That day started bright and clear,
A cool breeze came to cool my heart so hot,
Vaporized every bit of fear and sadness,
And the frustration into the clear thin air,
With loving words she woke up the real in me,
The arrogant and proud old lover in me,
She loved the anger and the fury of lust,
And I added compassion and love.
These are days I longed for long,
As every day she started new,
With love unknown in the heart of mine,
And weaved my life with dreams anew,
And in her eyes I looked and said,
Oh’ what a wonderful view of heaven I see.
Time and age will turn hair gray,
And wrinkles skin around the bones,
Even then our heart and soul will dance,
In the purity of love for each other,
Cherishing every moment of these days,
And those gone by dark days of mine,
And will laugh at our little ones,
Going through the same.
Sorry I did not update the blog yesterday, not a lot going on other than a lot of technical stuff with my computer. It took sometime to figure out things.
Did a little bit of work in my poems and poetry forum.
Today, lot of cleaning again not in the computer but around me and shopping groceries. Just looked at some poems I laid away a while back and one interested me so I thought, it needed some modifications. If there is any major problems with the idea of the poem let me know.
If you look into the poem, in subject there are two parts one what we think are the reasons for the social problems we are facing now, two what we did when we were given choices. I am not saying any solution here as that will be asking people how to live their lives which I am saying as one of the problems we are facing in the society.
All the feelings all through time,
No where are the favorable in life to be found,
So, why? How? are queries immaterial,
The chances of success were pruned,
By politics, language, color and beliefs,
By boundaries of counties,states, nations,
Countries and continents,
By the aging generation passing by,
Oh what a wonderful life we had,
Now live the mess for you we left,
Is the message in those smiles mocking,
In the pathos of the unforgiving we outlive them,
Not in success but in the survival of the fittest,
Mongrels they are who chased us away
Away from our own blood and conscience,
With philosophies they themselves never practiced,
And principles that corrupted their own minds,
Upon us like religious rules imposed,
Away from religion and freedom,
Made us all to a feeling of freedom addicted,
A feeling that bound us to mistrust and anger,
That leads us in this life of fear,
Where what we lost was freedom itself,
We are stunned in our own paranoia,
And hear the echoes of our own parents in pain,
The pain we now understand not,
But when as parents should not feel.
Our parents let us choose between;
The good, bad and the ugly,
And we just chose against,
Everything best suited us.