I am crazy doing things at work and personally. Things I like and dislike. To put it in another way I am too busy doing useless things. Work is tightening its grip around my neck as I was away for more than two weeks. There are a lot of things to do; my analysis output goes as the input for the developers. I can’t make them wait.
Are these excuses for my inner blocks?
Or just the murmur of busy and lazy poet? mmm I don’t know. But still here is what I wrote in
I will revise it. But I think you all still will enjoy it.
The little hands of mine that learned to scribble,
Words that paints images,
Images that spoke about my life
And the life that carried me this far.
There are a million more I’ve had in my heart,
Some just popped out through my words,
Filling minds of loved ones,
And those who knows me through my words.
Where are all the others gone?
When I hold this empty sheet in front,
And wonder about the gone by days,
And wonder about the day walking by.
Is past a lucky monster that escaped my attention?
I still feel it all imprisoned in my soul,
I feel the warm breeze once more piercing,
The unclosed eyes of mine in amazement.
Oh, I remember where those images are,
The ones that never filled in the soul of mine,
They were all buried with the tears of mine,
Tears I shed with the loses of my loving heart.
In this bay I float away the images remaining,
For life to start mixing new colors,
In the far away new found land
Where my soul may rest in love.

I enjoy everything that you write. This was no exception. I hope that you arent too loaded down with every day things.You are far from lazy. You are a talented man who Iam so glad is back home and can share his works with us again.
Thank you for the poem and your comments. I like the appearance of a monster in a poem about childhood. Oddly appropriate.
you speak of times that inflict my soul endlessly.
and yet you seem to word it so wonderfully.
This was beautiful.
thank you. Great poem of yours.
This poem is absolutely beautiful!
It can be a hassle trying to catch up on things one falls behind in! Don’t let it get you down!
P.S.: I noticed you were listening to Enya. I love Enya…’tis one of my most favorite musical artists.
this is great…i had to get a new site, my old one was namaste1779
I hope you get to have some you time my friend.
A pleasure to read your works
Take care of you | Positive Vibes always,
First, i want to say, that I love the poem. I dont think that it needs any revisions at all… second…. It sounds like you need some serious “you time” and i think that you should take it. Because if you are not balanced (in your self that is) then, nothing else in your life will be balanced. Not work, not friends or family.
And thank you very much for the comments that you left on my post. Everything has worked out well with the entire situation. The errors of her ways were discovered. And more importantly, she discovered the errors of HIS ways.
Look foward to talking to you.
Where are all the others gone and the following three lines are sort of awkward and didn’t read well with me. But you are correct; as always I still enjoyed your poem. It’s ok that you haven’t revised them yet, that’s what I’m here for ^_~
Your soul speaks volumes that only you can hinder if you allow “outside forces” to press inwards on you like that. These people are right, you need “you” time.