My busy days are over, the
project I was working on was implemented successfully. Thank to the
great effort of a great team that worked hard. I am proud of being part
of those wonderful guys.
four days went like the click of my hand. There is uncertainty looming
outside my door, but I am too lazy to walk out of door and shook hands
with that bad guy. You know what I mean. In a nutshell I was sleeping
most of the time. Now I think I am well relaxed. Because the following
is what came out of a deep rest. Enjoy this one. It came out of one of
my drive recordings.
About Life Around.
As if like a puzzle at life looking,
And wonder what made it so complex,
Everyone for everything in life competing,
When so simple was everything in its creation,
Oh’ God may be laughing at all the winners boasting,
And pathetic losers, who all fought for illusions on earth,
When in reality both will storm the worst cell of hell,
Which they created when complicated life with,
Laws, rules and unrealistic order,
That made simple life unlivable,
For themselves and in that frustration,
Made hell on earth for every soul of truth.
Oh’ the fighters who believed they are for truth,
But seen only the shadow of truth,
Who all walked through the path evil paved,
With an illusion that showed mind-boggling beauty around,
They all believed, fought and died in those illusions,
When what they should’ve sought,
Was the simple truth that lies in the compassion for others.
Oh’ the very truth I’ve learned from the history of mankind is,
Actions with no faith is like a bubble in the wave,
It just crashes on the rock of truth,
Faith alone will leave one isolated from reality,
But the union of both with compassion and unselfishness,
Will untie the unknown meanings of life sought by those who fought.
I may elaborate on some part of it. But tell me what you all think?
I like it because we do tend to make our lives harder to live than it need be.
Deep and Profound Poem – Terrific Work!
What a sense of accomplishment – to share it with a deserving team!
Positive Vibes
oh, dear. i wasnt expecting this. this is so meaningful to me, in so many ways. this is my favorite work of yours yet.
how haunting this line is: “Hell on Earth for every soul of truth.”
well thanks ill hav to check that site out and maybe i’ll join…..well thanks though ahhh i love how you explain whats write and whats wrong…ur my hero ::hug hug:; thank you
Oh my, So good. That touched me in a way that none of your other poems have. I love that. With you permission (of course) I might like to type that, and frame it, and hang it in my new house, to remind me to keep things simple, and to derive my joy from the simplest things in life.
I am moving, I just wanted to share my good news with you. (not that my relocation means anything to my xanga family) Also, I wanted to explain to you why I have not talked with you, because I have been busy. I will post some of my work ASAP. I promise you. Maybe tommorow AM.
I hope to hear from you soon!
Have Fun!
This is definitely one of your best yet…..this is so deep and introspective…
Wow, that’s really good! Sorry I haven’t been checking on here as much. I’ve been uber busy…*sigh*
Hhhmmm…I liked your poem a lot, but parts of it reminded me of liberalists views of war. Now I, myself, hate politics and believe that it just makes life complicated and “Hell on Earth for every soul of truth.” But yeah, even the media wants to be involoved in politics through music videos…Grr…Anywho, but yeah. Awesome poem, it made me yearn for the simpler times. I hate technology and the feeling is mutual.
truth is relative..i hear you..yes someday..a vaster meaning will become know is to lose faith…i seek to know.. liked this. keep on contemplating…energy follows thought..((Wings))
OH NO. You’re poem most certainly did not have a liberalist message embedded inside it! I am so sorry if I made you think that! When you wrote that poem, you weren’t thinking about politics so it does NOT have a political message in it. Your comment actually made me cry and forced me to remember why I’m so proud to be an American. Thanks Mr. Poet. *hugs*
I wish I could express to you just how dear you are to me. Thank you my sweetheart!
Thanks for the loveleh comment.’Twas beautiful.
I enjoyed the poem and as usual I can hear your voice as I read your posts, good job!
I just cant thank you enough… Ill keep doing it……….Thank you.