Hi All,
I apologize for using the word shutdown in my previous post. Iwill not close down this site. But considering the little amount oftime I have. I will not be updating this site often. I will be updatingmy site LonelyPoet.Orgeveryday. I know some of you will sure miss my comments. I don’t thinkI can do a lot about the comments as I won’t be having too much time tocomment on others works.
The Signature Of A True Human Is The Smile He/She Brings On The Face Of Others.
I apologize for using the word shutdown in my previous post. I will not close down this site.
I guess you’re going to hold it against me for having a piece of crap computer…..you don’t answer your email or get on AIM. I cannot get on Yahoo messenger…it freezes every time. So if this is the case, it was nice to chat with you. I would’ve liked to chat more with you but I guess it won’t be.
i secretly admit how happy i am that you are not shutting your site down. as much as your works are for your own, its easy to want to write even more beautifully when i read poetry from word artists such as yourself. a personal thank you from me to you!
ah but i have little wisdom, at least that i can draw upon when i need it most. short of temper, and quick to speak what i do not mean. here i can say what it is ive always wished i could have thought of.
if that makes any to little sense.
strength for you i wish there is.
Yes I think your poems are very good. But I will be honest trying to get a collection of poetry published is harder than a novel but if you keep at it, you can make it happen. Don’t give up on trying. I think you have a unique talent and you bring things across very well and grab your reader.
I already book marked your site. Glad you’re not shutting this site down. Don’t worry about the comments, that’s not why I write.
You scared me there for a while! Yeah, everybody is super busy. I really need to enter another entry on my xanga site, but I’ve got so much homework, I need to get my hindey off the computer and just do it. Urgh, chemistry is HORRIBLE. Well, again, I am glad you are not shutting down this site, but I understand that you may not be checking it too often. I mean, we all have lives and such and we prioritize.
I’ll miss seeing your name under my comments but I’ll get over it. At least I can read your work on your sites and on here!
I will definitely be checking out the other site and no worries over comments. Just glad you arent going.
I don’t blame you. I have just returned from a break from Xanga. I appreciate you coming to my site and telling me that though. You are one of the nicest people (and talented) I have met on Xanga and you didn’t forget about my site when you become popular, for that I am grateful. Peace brother philosopher and fellow poet.
-Pilgrim of Truth
Life should be lived..and busy is the way of us all. I will certainly visit the other site as often as I can… and although your inspiring honest comments will be missed… your words here will be missed more.
I hope to never lose complete contact… a friend is what I call you…and I cherish all you have given to me in this land of Xangians.
take care of you… and know I think of you often.
much love,
I guess you care not to know how the one line of verse blossomed into a poem.
Perhaps my words do not merit consideration anymore.
At any rate, I’m done commenting here. I’ve already said too much!
Thanks for the comment, and yes, I think it’s Jordan you are referring to. She’s VERY nice, so I’m sure she just didn’t notice your comment or something. Heh, just finished up my test in BCIS. Everybody has been failing it all day. Thanks for the encouragement! 😉
Saddness in the world. I guess I have not been updating or commenting as much as I usted to. So I understand where you are coming from. But oh how I will miss your words of wisdom and your wonderful poetry! You are a fasinating person indeed!
Love, JoAnna
Thanks for saying goodbye. Take care of yourself.
have a great holiday weekend.
that is a lot of information.
im sorry if i have overloaded the system
.the long break was PERFECT yes i used the irreversable word/
because the sea was bright
my heart was bright
and my skin is burnt.
what could be better than that>