Hi All,
It’s been a while since I said anything here. Well there isn’t alot going on. I am just waiting for the next assignment and usuallybetween projects I get really busy, talking to various companies,taking interviews, doing paper works etc..
As for writing, mmm there is a lot going on in that side. I decidedto make a post here as a head start. I told couple of people who visitshere who are on my IM about this. I am writing about a character whoimpressed me a lot when I was in the teens. Many of you may havestudied the novel from which I am extracting this character. This is along one, longer than anything I’ve written so far. What inspired me towrite now after all these years is the plight I am going throughlooking for work. The very many places I’ve gone to and the hundreds ofpeople I met, most of them I still get in touch with. This characteralso goes into a plight of her own looking for work. With hope onhopes, dream about dreams in the ‘Pure’ heart of her heart. So far fromthe seven sections in the novel I have written first drafts of fivelarge poems and totally my poem already streached about 600 lines. Iwill post the poems here in seven parts on seven different days. But Icannot say when will it happen. My aim is to post in the first sevendays of October.
Now who ever reads this post please take this as a Trivia andguess who is that female fictional character that touched me so deep? Irecently written in my update in LonelyPoet.Org this line ” Looks like the best feelings I’ve ever felt for anywoman is a fictional character” Other than what I have alreadywritten to get an idea about the character look in my site in variousposts. And to those couple of people I’ve told who thischaracter is, please hold your words.
Good Luck with the guess.
I just changed the background song. This is the all time favorite songof mine. It changed a lot of my attitudes when I first heard it in 1990.
So nice to see you post again. I will read your words later when I can take my time.
Hi Stranger, Nice to hear from you. I have no idea who to guess so Ill take s atb in the dark and say Jane Eyre. Have an awesome day Sweetie.
I know who you’re talking about but am too upset at the moment to think of the name.
Thanks for commenting on what may very well be my last post on PoeticaC.
P.S.: Hope to catch you in IM sometime, so I can fill you in on what’s up.
I tried to email you but the sprint email didn’t go through…I got a delivery failure notification.
So, I guess I have no way to reach you now. Maybe I’ll catch you on AIM sometime.
P.S.: I’ve done it. I made my final post on PoeticaC.
Later gator.
it’s been a long while since i’ve heard from you. i thought about you the other week. glad you’re still at it. i should be posting some more poetry soon. if you’d like you can go to my poetry site http://www.fictionpress.com/~sistergoldenhair and it’s got most of my stuff. talk to you later, friend.
Hey Mr. Poet!
Whoa, so sorry…I’m a junior this year and things have been seriously CRAZY. Hhhmm…I’ll continue thinking about the mystery girl…
someone in a book ive read.
ah. this is difficult. very much.
theres so many names-
maybe Addie, mother and wife in “as i lay dying.” or..
celie, the woman from “The color Purple”
i have to admit im stumped. i am yet to read near as man y classics as i want to by the end of my life, so ill get back to you when im better read on the subject. (im assuming its a classic novel character, i dont know why but thats the direction i took. i guess because your older than me but i dont know what year.)
im glad i am your friend
Well good luck with job hunting and writing your epic poem.
im sorry i dont really know what you mean by that…word. i even looked up…..whatever.good luck on what your writing. hope it turns out great!
Hey Poet thanks for the comment. You are one ofthe few that actually understood that post. I look forward to reading your new work.
Sorry I have no idea of who the character is.
Let’s see….a woman…..can’t find work….uh……what was the ladies name in Little Women? You know the one who wanted to be a writer…..wouldn’t marry Teddy. Thats who I think it is.
i would but im not really good at thinking up those things.ill try again. but im barely a write.so im learning.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song! (Sacrifice – Elton John) ‘Tis so pretty!
I’m no stalker but I may visit this site alot whenever I want to hear the song.
P.S.: When you get the chance, go check out the EJ song playing on my site.
(Also an EJ fan)
Good choice for a song!
RYC: I think you may be the only person on the planet that got this poem was about me…those things I hate about myself, the things we all hate about ourselves, our condition…being human!
i didnt want to comment you until i discovered your secret woman of whom you write and will ntot ell but i wanted to write and say hi
and say i am a disappointment
who cannot know anything
and who had another bad day.
im bad at paying attention
and ive never heard of that book.
but im sure what you write wil be beautiful
im sure my day will get better
and im sure the stars WILL come out tonite.