A head start for all of you about my latest work.
I love writing in the night. In these days of no work at office I haveplenty of time to sleep during the day. Now I thought I will justupdate you all about my work here in xanga, which is poetry. My poemhave grown beyond my own imagination. Before going into it. Here is thecharacter. It is Tess from the classic novel “Tess Of TheD’Urbervilles” By Thomas Hardy I am writing about.
My approach is to make the same sequence of events in theoriginal novel. It was not that hard to find the book online as it wasreleased by Project Gutenberg. I further confirmed that I can make aderivative work out of this text. As I am following Hardy’s vastdescriptive narrative the poem had already out grown my ownimagination it stands at 829 lines as of now and I am nearly done withthe 5th section “The Woman Pays” I will keep you all posted as to thedevelopment of the poem in the coming days. My plan initially was towrite one long poem each for the each of the seven sections followingthe original text. But the fifth section itself will come to more than500 lines so I am breaking it into two different poems. The plightwhich was vastly explained is itself will be written into onelong poem. In my rough estimate the first drafts will be around 1600lines and the final draft will not be that long.
This work I am doing is in no way a replacement for the originalwork. I am using a lot of phrases and some dialogues from the originaltext itself as they are indeed poetic ones. Keep in mind Thomas Hardyhimself was one of the best poets I’ve read. So no matter how much I tryI could only imitate him. Not better him.
Now I have already written a long post here. I wonder how many will bereading this post itself and I wonder how many will be reading thoselong poems. Like I said in a reply to another post. “what Iam supposed to do or rather liked to do is going to be done. Rest isthe choice of the people”. The best part of it all is simply theenjoyment of the whole process. Yesterday, one of my friend called meinsane poet than LonelyPoet. haha I am enjoying this insanity or justintoxicated in the inspiration of poetry. Whatever you may call it, itis far better than the normality defined by many fat ass people. As I don’t drink or do drugs my friend was surprised when she read aportion of the poem I wrote which I sent to her in IM then she told me “Hey, thisis beautiful insanity..” haha
Here is the Project Gutenberg text I am following.. Tess Of The D’Urbervilles-A Pure Woman
Holy cow!!!!!!
You’re really putting your whole being into these poems aren’t you?! Good luck, knowing your work, it’ll be fantastic!!!!!!
Man, I’m sorry I haven’t been on recently. School’s been a killer. I have my first dual credit test on Thursday (dual credit serves as a college class taken in high school. Argh…I’m soooo worried about it…But anyway, I hope life is good for you right now. Insanity is a wonderful thing. and should never be wasted. Without your insanity your work will suffer!!!!! NOOO! Heh, sorry…I kind of really got into it there…Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on your sites. Type ya later!
(P.S. How do you like my new avatar?! If you can’t read the writing, it says “Maybe he’s born with it…Maybe it’s MAYBELLINE.” Ha ha ha!
Ahahahaha, I already knew who you were writing about.
P.S.: Come visit if you wish. I’m posting on my Xanga again…the majority ruled and a few people put up a fuss about my leaving.
When inspirations hits we must heed its call, yep, good luck writing
RYC: Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was not you that I was referring to, in regards to giving me encouragement. The encouragement actually came in the form of emails from another (very gifted) poet whom I know from back in the days when we hung out in the poetry tag rooms on AOL.
But thanks for all that you give me also!
Anywhoo, off to make some sherbet milkshakes. Later.
Wow. What a fantastic endeavor to throw your whole writing spirit into. “Beautiful Insanity” is a superb compliment!
life sucks.
Oh trust me…..you are VERY gifted.
hey handsome…wow, it has been soooo long since we’ve talked and i realize now that i have missed you. Thanks for posting….your poems are beautiful and inspiring as well…..take care….hugs to you….Kimmie*