Heart Beat Of A Child

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{{{Update for today 10/09/2005.
     For the last couple of hours I am trying to make a post here. I was so happy couple of
     days ago and in the duration of the click of a hand it was all gone. I don’t want another
     post in here explaining things. I am trying my best to survive this. I don’t know if I ever 
     update this with anything personal. I just don’t feel like doing it anymore. I will be posting
     the poem “Tess Of The D’Urbervilles” once it is ready. That is a promise I made and I
     only make one kind of promises, the good ones. But I will sure be commenting on your
     sites, like I love hearing from you all.
End of update.}}}

Iam a little sick with light fever and congested nose. I rested most ofthe day.  After the afternoon sleep, I woke up and sat before agrowling computer and into the open MS-Word document I poured in whatcame to my mind about an idea that came as a whisper for some reason Idon’t know where, why and how it came to me. Well muse works in manyways isn’t it? I also don’t know why I got this idea, read the poem andyou be the judge as what I am writing about is something I will neverfeel in real.

Heart Beat Of A Child.

Oh’ the love she felt was deep,
The eyes of her lover volumes spoke,
About every bit of life ahead,
Nothing stopped her from the wrath of lust,
And all went past beyond any recovery.

The promises of her love, lied,
Not the promise of nature inside her,
When she first felt a heart beat in her womb,
No past or present or anything of future,
No dreams, thoughts or verse written can describe,
A woman’s feeling of motherhood.

The months of carriage hard it was,
The depth of love felt every moment deepened,
And every bit of life around through senses merged,
Into that life when at birth into the hands of that mother.

Sleepless nights to keep her undisturbed,
Days went by senseless as the little girl grew,
Ages counted but time itself sometime paused,
And watched the daughter holding her mom.
From first steps to every action in the child filled,
With the actions of her own mother.
Oh’ what better love nature can show the world?
Other than the love of that mother for her little child.

The beauty of love nature shown again and again,
Filled in the beauty that little child grown up to be,
It was the perfection of that great motherhood,
In the wonderful charms of that girl seen,
By the world we sense around us
And the fairy world and the Angelic world,
All in union to the rhythm of her heart danced.

Innocence bowed and left for the feelings,
Of romance and everlasting love in her heart,
The action and word of that boy so pure,
The known and unknown worlds again,
Seen the perfection of another form of love,
That consumed two hearts to the first steps of life.

In front of that great mother she stood,
Kissing her cheeks and waving good bye,
Nothing will prove more how well that mother,
Did her duty of motherhood, but her sweet tears,
As the bride and her groom drove away from her eyesight,
Her love for her child and the love of her child for her,
Merged into the heart of that great mother,
The heart beat in her womb once she felt,
Now felt as an odd beat of her own heart beat.

27 Replies to “Heart Beat Of A Child”

  1. I took a hiatus (so to speak) from Xanga… I blog here I blog there…. (much like a poem – show not tell)
    I was feeling achey a few days ago… Positive Vibes on a speedy recovery my friend.
    Take care of you,

  2. Riaz~    Your poem….moving, deep, honest, ensightful….truly a treasure to behold.  Wow….i am almost speechless.  How did you know my feelings?  How did you feel my heart in your words without motherhood to expierence?  You are gifted with insight of anothers emotions.  Like I said….truly a treasure to behold.  May i print it?   I have to tell you as i was reading your poem…about half was through….i said to myself….i’d like to read this at her wedding.  Thinking of my own daughter.  Then i read further and was blessed when i seen that the little girl does love and marry.  Wow.  Powerful.  Now…i know without a doubt that i will read this at her wedding with your permission.    Thanking you for honoring me today.  Much love to you.    Kimmie

    p.s.  I’m praying for you to feel better soon. 

  3. i hope you feel better….

    and have i told you that i love this poem? yes, yes, it’s true. i do.  ðŸ™‚ reminds me of someone long ago…

    what can i say? my family is dysfunctional. yep, including me. but hey… who’s perfect anyways? LOL. take care of yourself and i really do hope you feel better!!!!!!!

  4. Riaz~  Thank you.  I will love giving you credit for the lovely poem.   My daughter is only 18 years old and will be starting nursing school soon.  It will be a while before she is married.  But, when the day arrives, i will let you know.  Thanks again.   Blessings to you my friend.   Kimmie*

  5. Whoa that’s a pretty cool song you’ve got on here! 

    Anywho, your poem was AWESOME!  It truly made goosebumps on my skin…Oh yes, and about the “in” my butt…Well, the needle did go “in” my butt…cheek! 

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