My Christmas eve started well with a lot of calls going out and coming in from my mobile phone. I didn’t looked at who all are calling. One call came and I answered, my brother who is vacationing in India right now called me to give the bad news. My uncle(my mother’s sister’s husband) died, oh,it was a shock. He was 81 and was ailing a bit but when I heard he is no more I was really shaken because he was a good and charitable person. A very important person in the family. The man who introduced my father to the family who got my mother married to my father.(it was an arranged marriage arranged by him) one of the best loving husbands I’ve seen, married my mother’s sister when she was 13 and he was 19 that was a 62 year long marriage. May God Rest Him In Peace.
Merry Christmas again my virtual family. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I made my lamb roast and ate it myself. That was the first time I tried that. Not that bad at all. But I screwed up the dishwasher by putting in too much detergent, foam is all over my kitchen.
Other than that, chatted with couple of my old friends earlier today. Talked to my cousin. Then chatted again with Mo Cushle for the first time. That went well. Chatted for sometime with another little girl Randa. Well other than chatting and talking on the phone here is what I did. Finished one of my first drafts, it is a bit long, but worth a read.
The Garden Of Love.
From the dreamless world fallen,
Where darkness always loomed,
Upon every feeling of passion passed,
Every feeling of affection vaporized,
From all those away I moved,
To the garden of love, oneself looking,
For the fulfillment of a wish, long cherished.
At the glimpses of roses of all colors,
The lilies, daffodils and orchids wondered I,
Oh’ how beautiful it will be ,
To be in this garden forever.
In the excitement of the new sights,
Tried I to touch the roses red,
The thorns cut me deep in vengeance,
And I wandered away looking,
For water to clean my hand bleeding,
Across the path a stream I saw,
Rushed I to take a handful when I saw,
Snakes waking up to hissing,
Fearful I ran to the shelter of a nearby tree,
And hard shelled fruits started to fall,
As if thrown from above.
Away to a nearby cave I ran,
On a valley covered with white tulips,
But from the cave charged out a bear,
The most fearsome I have ever seen.
From corner to corner I ran,
Where behind every pretty life I found,
The most fearsome creatures hiding,
And out of the garden ran I,
But in the overgrown creepers caught my leg,
And into the nearby pit I fell,
Where leeches and worms all over me creeping,
But with all strength out I ran,
Into the dark valleys of the material world.
Oh’ never thought the garden of love so wild,
To trap the unsuspecting lovers who walks in,
And pledged never ever to return,
With pain all over and a bleeding hand away I walked,
But the pain of the broken heart drowned,
All other pain I felt.
The fearsome creatures took away the fear,
Of the darkest material wilderness,
The trapping beauty of the garden,
Brought in the cunningness to survive,
Even the worst of the passionless world of pulp.
On the banks of a dark roaring river I sat,
And in tiredness my eyes I closed,
Then in my minds eye I saw your eyes my darling,
Stood up I rejuvenated with my love for you deep rooted,
And towards the garden of love rushed I,
To take on face to face every fearsome creature,
To overcome every trap,
And to win your heart my sweetheart.