Peace Of Mind

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There is a point to which sadness can take someone. Will it take
someone on an upward curve into happiness? I wished for it. I wish for
it and I will wish for it. Though there is nothing I feel in my five
senses to back my wishes. To be honest with you I can tell you with
guarantee that I am the saddest person in this world right now. But at
this moment I am thinking deep when is the last time I was happy for a
long time? I don’t even know. Well… every moment that came to my mind
was a moment I smiled looking at the happiness of others.

This is something I pulled out of my Old CD. I am really truly
overwhelmed by some feeling now. I just can’t even type properly. I
will return, when? Mmm good question I am asking myself. In about 24
hours or may be early. This round may go further. But you know no
matter who is not there for me, there are those invisible hands of God
I always fall to, that comforted me in being the best creations on Earth
with absolute perfection of making me who I am.

The ladder climbed gave a thought,
Lead to the way above,
Burned the bridges behind,
Erased mind for everything new,
The pastures filled with promises,
The golden rays of the rising sun,
The soothing smell of the summer wind,
But never realized where the ladder led,
Was nothing but a bunch of clouds,
On which I played my game,
The cloud blessed the land beneath,
And vanished from beneath my foot,
And here I am lying in bed,
When the whole world lives I sleep,
And when the whole world sleeps I just dream,
About a day I may live,
Like the whole world that surround me now.

11 Replies to “Peace Of Mind”

  1. hahaha funny comment you had there with my background hahaha…you know you want her hahaha jk but i know i know i’ve just been so busy with lame school and it’s like i can’t think maybe ill write something tomorrow during study hall if i remember to…i mean i lay in bed and write in my head but then i wake up forgetting half of it and then later it ain’t worth it hahaha but thanks for believing in me hehe :hug:

  2. As always, I wish you the most amount of happiness possible…because you of all people deserve to be happy.

    I already said…I put you on my protected list because I trust you. Regardless of what I wrote, I knew that you wouldn’t take anything I ever said the wrong way. I didn’t put you on that list just for that post alone.

  3. Thanks for the advice on the book of poetry, I am going to do what you suggested and place Stevens material first, then I am going to add all of my other work. Thank you very much you helped me with a very difficult issue.

    Don’t worry about writting your opinions on my site, I won’t become angry and scream at you. Just like you always tell everyone that you are a good Muslim and don’t blow up people, I’m a good Christian and don’t scream at people and tell them they are doomed to hell. As a matter of fact I believe that there are many roads to salvation.

    What you said was really interesting. Do you mind telling me more about Islam? Peace.

    -Pilgrim of Truth

  4. yor writings intrigue me. I can’t get that deep my poems are more playful impish I could learn much from you. In fact I have had no schooling in this area and don’t know if i could write without rhyme. I will check back often to read your works.


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