Starting right after Thanks giving, 20 poems most of them posted every
day. Yesterday I took a breather. Now I am back with more. Yay. There
are people here who proclaimed when I accidentally deleted a comment
that my site will be filled with comments and don’t be sorry. Haven’t
seen a sign of a comment in some days now and whatever comment I got
was reply for my comments. GRRRHHHMMM. So much from the favorites. But
know this, Once a darling, always a darling. That’s my personal policy.
This is a poem written from an idea I’ve been playing in my mind
for some days now. The idea is named as “The Story Teller’s Wish” that
idea is different than this one and I will write it in the coming days.
It will be a long poem hehehe. Today at work as I have accomplished the
deadline I was happy and sitting doing nothing. Then this derivative
came up in my mind. It is mixture of a lot of things, things I’ve heard
and I myself made up. Enjoy the poem. And welcome chansondenuit
to my site. She gets the honor of becoming first in a billion to
comment on my site. The first person from the country of India, my
motherland, the one place I may end up in, the one place I don’t wanted
to be in. MagsterG holds the honor of the first ever to comment on my
site and Kekeway_Arinya_Mekae, holds the honor of being my Mo Cushle.
The Lady Of The Woods.
Childhood days of him were with stories filled,
Good ones, bad ones, wild ones and the ones that scared,
One among the story was about the Lady of the woods,
A fairy who slept deep in some woods unknown.
Childhood days passed by so the abundance of youth,
Stories all changed from folklore to true ones,
Happily everafter never did happen,
When failure out numbered handful of success,
He sat down and wrote down his story in verse,
To sing it to the Lady of woods one day,
And wandered through the depths and dark,
But seen no sign of the Lady of the woods.
Trembled in cold, wet in the rain and sweat in the heat,
Hid under creeks from wild hunting teeth and claws,
Where mosquitoes and leeches sucked his blood,
Days and nights he spent in his search,
To sing his verse to the Lady of the woods.
He became friends with the flowers of the wild,
Rabbits and rats, snakes and badgers don’t feared him at all,
As he became part of the upland woods,
Still he kept the song in his heart to sing one day,
Just for the ears of the Lady of the woods.
Age through years caught up with him,
Hair white as snow covered his entire head,
He slept little once in a while,
Most of the time he spent whistling,
Along the banks of a freezing stream.
One night from his sleep woke up he,
When the half moon shot the best light he could,
In the light he saw a flower just bloomed,
And to that flower his song he sung,
And wrote this upon a rock nearby,
“I lie here now knowing,
The trees and creatures of all kind,
The heat and cold all were,
Part of the Lady of the woods in all her beauty,
And forever I will be part of her and beyond”.
Then he lay down with his head upon the rock,
And took his eternal sleep in peace.
Real nice!!! you write really good, very smooth words and intresting thoughts!!! i am lookin forward for more!!!
Believe me, I am MORE than honored to be your Mo Cushle! I look forward to hearing from you every day.
I greatly apologize for not as many comments as usual. Busy times lead to no computer…which always ends up making me feel extremely grouchy. However, time passes and there will be somethings that are never forgotten, despite the stress and the hurry.
You my friend, are never going to be forgotten.
Not bad at all, I like this one. Guess I should write my comments rather then think em.
That is really really good. You should write it into a story!
Stopping in to say hello and wish you a very happy holiday!
My Sweet Riaz~ Merry Christmas to you my friend. I pray all is well with you and your family. Luv n hugz~ Kimmie*
wow. that is good. how do you come up with this stuff? you are awesome…. and i update the second post, its always the same post… it just has different stuff in it
happy holidays!