The Left Out Essence.

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This day will live in the infamy of my stupidity, so will be yesterday
hehehe. Well that’s what I said at noon. We all, the group at work went
out for lunch, a very good one where we all were playing with paper
toys. Fun to watch as a bunch of middle aged people fighting for paper
toys. Then a lot of talks, and great food, I’ve had salmon and French
fries, with sprite. Wow, I want to go to that place tomorrow too.

The first statement I made was not said for making everyone laugh. The
one to whom it is meant will understand and I hope will forgive.

Poem, poem haha, this is a short one. This again was written out right
after I came back from a break at work. I saw no reason not to write. I
found no particular reason for writing this one too. It just came into
my mind and I wrote it. Then after about three hours I read it and said
“Not that bad, GGGMHMMM”. So here it is for you all…. Kuchukoo
(kuchukoo means I am happy. Just a sound I make when I am happy)…

The Left Out Essence.

Tragic tales and unreadable verses, into these days filled,
Where around a drop of honey, in spiral, life loomed,
The point of time, around it all moved,
Spiraled itself within the impossible realities dreamed,
And within that spiraling life, in secret hides,
All the good I did, by the bad outdone,
But none matters as life just can’t take,
That drop of honey, the left out essence,
The love of mine to you.

7 Replies to “The Left Out Essence.”

  1. yea that’s y im sort of liking this unit in english class bc poems for me come easy and it will bring my grade up (ahh yes yes yes)..but yeah wooh i have written like 2 others but i won’t post them up till later..i need my readers to read the first one but yeah wooh well i shall head to bed ill t2ul bye byez thanks though hehe

  2. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=”100%” cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=”100%” border=0 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>
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    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>Playing with paper toys and good food sounds fun. Shopping is crazy now,argggg, still not done
    <TR UNSELECTABLE=”on” hb_tag=”1″>
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  3. ahh! sorry i haven’t been around.  i’ve been sooo busy.  but give up rosesforalostcause? never!!! it is one of my biggest joys 🙂 and i’m back for more steady entries now that school is done, tee hee 🙂 

    i really like this poem, i liked the spiraling imagry i got and i like how it made me think.  i really think i relate to this poem…….its making me think, haha.  in a good way, no fears 🙂  i really like the imagery of the drop of honey…that wording and bringing that idea into this poem is just amazing to me. my favorite part of it, definately, trying to understand just what that drop of honey is and then the last line telling you but it still just is tickling at my brain…the drop of honey at the center of the spiral….*shivers*  tee hee, so yes, i like this poem very much 🙂

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