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Thanks For Visiting And Probably Reading My New Post And Poem. I am
saying this in a protected post because I thought you probably may
comment on that post. You did not. I don’t know why? If you have
something to tell that you don’t want others to see go ahead. You are
the only one who will see this other than me.  

If I said anything offensive then I am so sorry. I really didn’t mean
it. What I was saying was just the fact about the short poems when I
promised to finish 6 more large poems. I know you are busy with other
stuff than reading and commenting on mysite. It is okay with me. But
when someone steps into your room and walks out without saying a word
that raises some doubts as to if I hurted you by saying something in
the post.

The one other question that came to my mind was your mom restricting you. I
don’t think she will because we have had a wonderful chat.  Still
if there is something like that then don’t hesitate to tell it here. I
will make sure that I will not comment on your site again. Okay. 

2 Replies to “”

  1. There is nothing like that at all. If there is anything that you should know, it is this: I always ALWAYS enjoy reading every comment you post, and if I don’t always comment in return, I don’t want you to take it offensively. I read your post, and I really did enjoy your poem (as I always do.)

    I promise you that I will post a comment on each journal that I see in the future, because I know it means that much. This one shall be my first. ^_^

  2. Mo Cushle,
    Glad to know that there is nothing wrong. Well you made a promise on a day I am going to take my computer to BestBuy hehehe. Okay. I will find a way to post and comment. I want you to say what is in your mind. If a poem is not good, don’t hesitate to say that and the reason why you felt so. I’d appreciate that. The reason why I said I may not write short poems is I thought I am getting stale in the matter of depicting as well as ideas. If I would have heard that from anyone out there it would’ve been great. Why I chose you? mmmm great thinking mind. If you think you don’t want to comment on a particular poem, say that like “Hey that’s too long for me, I am not going to read all that” hehehe because what is to come all are very long.
    Sorry about the confusion.

    The Signature Of A True Human Is The Smile He/She Brings On The Face Of Others.

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