Ocean Of Love.

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I don’t know how many know what kind of programming I do. I don’t think
anyone ever will be interested in the kind of programming I do also. I
am a Mainframe programmer. The old Big Irons from IBM. Right now in the
project I am doing I don’t deal with Mainframes. I write programs for
Unix based systems. These guys brought me here for my experience in
COBOL programming. The advantage of COBOL is, it is kinda
self-documenting because of the near close to English verbs and
style.  I am borrowing words of my former manager Monty Hull at
Metavante,  Milwaukee. “I dream in COBOL “ hahaha.

Now why I said it, mmmm here is a poem I wrote today. I was trying to
take note of a program piece from one program and modify it and stick
it into another. That program was huge more than 82,000 lines of code.
Whew, I said it is an ocean of COBOL code. Said that… I waited a moment
where my colleagues sitting behind were watching and I slowly changed
my hands from right to left ( when I write poems I mainly write with my
left hand, even though it is very difficult for myself to read it
afterwards, that way I am slow and steady and words just pour into my
mind ). My colleague said “Yeah, there it comes”. Yeah it came, here it

Ocean Of Love.

Those blue eyes, blue like an ocean seen,
In the past journeys made,
Beneath lay treasures of values unknown,
And in depths healing unknown to mankind,
A blessing many touches everyday,
The coral reefs and magnificent currents,
All carry a message of unconditional care,
The wilderness is there as usual,
But without that-nature incomplete you will be,
As the charm of naughtiness, I enjoy a lot,
Then there is the depth where none ever ventured,
Where darkness consumes every imagination,
None knows the treasure there deep inside,
As everyone in the fear of unknown,
Went away unknowing the depths of the ocean.

Oh’ I have a ray of hope inside,
Though far away from those un-ventured depths,
Where with the light of my love I wish to swim,
Oh’ can I search for the treasure unknown,
To everyone ever known you and yourself?
And may I with the ray of love show,
You the truth lying unknown to yourself?

An ocean of love.

11 Replies to “Ocean Of Love.”

  1. well yeah my holidays weren’t the best neither so don’t feel so left out, but that does suck u had to work when the ball dropped ahh bummer sorry to hear that

    yeah I’ve been trying but it’s like with school no time to think and yeah ahh but hopefully ill find something in my head (woots)

  2. Wow ..MashAllah that was soo beitifull. it flowed really softly and gently . i liked the discriptive style of yours. it acullly make me feel what you ar feelings…nice work!!!

    also happy eid and eid mubarak! may Allah bless your family andmake this year a bessing for you inshaAllah!

  3. really? hmm… i didn’t know that. i was kind a half asleep when i typed that. lol. neways, sounds like u had a stressful day… yet, you wrote another great piece. it sounded so deep… love it! hmm… i wonder if that’s that kind of person you are… u r really something…  (or sum1 f u’re strict with grammar. lol) 🙂

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