On Your Footsteps.

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I officially pressed the panic button earlier today, when couple of
checks sent to my attorney was said to have delivered by USPS but the
attorney swearing they did not got it. My real insanity came out when I
contacted the post office and asked for an explanation. Eventually they
found the envelope not delivered in the morning mail but they did
delivered in the afternoon. The post office called me back and
apologized for the delay.

 Now this is just the starting
of it. I expected these kinda panics by third week of this month, why
wait, start now hehehe.  Last night I said in a comment, I am
getting sick and tired of being tense all the time.

that… I am going to say something different now. Well… I’ve read couple
of posts and they are by really wise people who told their mind. That’s
not the point here. The “I” how important is “I” to you? For me I
always say I am the most important person in my life( thanks Lee Falk)
and it is true. However, I do care about others also. If I cannot be
happy and I can make one person glad everyday, I consider myself as the
luckiest man in the world that day. That’s what I do in other people’s
xanga sites, write the best comment possible for any given situation.
In these laptop less days that is not fully possible and dear xangans
please excuse me for not commenting on many sites.

Love you all.

Tomorrow is my favorite day… some Thursdays gets effed up also…. Yeah I don’t want tomorrow to be another bad day.

poem… I wrote it a while back the first draft…. I don’t know I wrote it
in a drawing book, I think I was trying to draw Manisha Koirala she is
a Nepalese born Indian actress. The heartthrob of the Indian youth in
the 90s. I know I tore off that page because the drawing was that bad.
But there were some lines written on the other side which remained.
This poem was written out of those lines like in the afternoon when I
finished one portion of a test I am doing at work.

Enjoy it.

On Your Footsteps.

The morning embraced the meadows.
Like a dream filling in an empty mind,
The soothing wind ran around,
Whispering a wake up song in every ear.

The pale old moon had fallen asleep,
The morning flowers filled the mind,
Sipping in the morning dew.

No matter what happens in nature,
Dawns will only be completed,
When the gentle footsteps of yours bless,
The golden valley that blend with you,
The caressing hands of yours touch the flowers,
And the waiting dandelions, tulips and roses open,
Their last petals to finish their beauty.

Amazement fills in the life of the nature around,
In enjoyment when you whistle the song of the cuckoo,
What should I do to when that innocence fill in my mind?
What should I do to care the beauty you are in and out?
What should I do to with the feeling of love all around?
When every bit of life holds you dear,
How can I alone hold you near?

I can only walk upon the footsteps you leave,
As from the feeling of the nature around, I am sure,
I will be lead to eternal love.

19 Replies to “On Your Footsteps.”

  1. I’m sorry that I came in without being all “Hi…I’m coming in”, I am a friend of Sam Nolte I think we’re good friends lol…? I heart Sam.  But I saw your name in her xanga and I thought I would investigate, sorry if it bothers you. :S I can like not do it anymore…if you want

  2. Once again, you create such vivid images. What I really like about your poetry is the fact that you don’t enforce a set story. Your poetry creates these beautiful images, yet those who read are able to imagine the story and the outcome for themselves. It’s a really unique way of writing that I really enjoy.

    Once again…I wish you the best of luck with this. If it takes me wishing you luck every single day for the next few years, I’ll do it.

  3. and oh! i almost forgot. thanks for the comment and the advice. i’ll keep that in mind. it’s juz that i’m afraid of the big responsibilities that adults have and the fact that i dont rili have any idea about them made it worse. neways, botox? no way! i dont want my face to look like a stretched rubber. besides, it looks ugly f ur face looks smooth but u have wrinkled skin in the other parts of ur body. that’s juz doesn’t look right. lol. 😀

  4. WOW.


    Your writing blows me away everytime… lifelike, and natural in all its beauty. This one is incredibly serene and I feel relaxed after reading it, wishing I was there.

    Thankyou for your lovely comments… I’m sorry to hear about all that inconvenience and panic. People can be a real delay on the process of certain things but nonetheless, it has to be tolerated until we can find a better alternative. I agree with you in saying that “I”, as in ourselves are the most important person in our own lives but its isn’t that we don’t care about other people. I found that statement quite inspiring.

    This may be wrong or odd of me to say, but I feel that there is a part of you that is sad… almost forlorn. Maybe you’re reminiscing of a past love… but I can feel it in the way you write and in the words you express.

    Thankyou for wishing me true love. I wish and pray the same for you. That in the midst of our busy world that one person can make your whole world still, even if its just only for a moment. =) Blessings!

    Peace, CJ.

  5. You do have a way with imagery. Simplistic beauty like that is something I aspire to.

    Being a spiritual being myself, I appreciate seeing others’ journeys put into the form of poetry, especially when it comes through in such images as your work. Thank you both for your comment and for contributing to the great stream of poetry.

  6. tag your it..this is so scary send this to 15 people in the next 143mins…when you are done press F6 and your crushes name will show up in big letters…this is so scary cuz..it works!!!! if you break the chain you will have bad realationships problems for the next 5 years!!!try it

  7. Beautiful piece.  So was this actress a looker? 😉  Sorry just teasing.  I just wanted to thank you for your help on my writers block.  It really is true what people say, writers block is one of the worst feelings, its like the things inside of you are screaming to get out, and there is no way so they just rampage through your soul….

    Oh you probably heard this already but today on the news I heard that Congress just passed legislation that will change the speed for naturalization.  Will that affect you?  I hope it brings good news for you.  Peace.

    -Pilgrim of Truth

  8. Hi, Thanks so much for your extremely kind words.   This poem is one of my favorites of yours… very peaceful and full of beauty.  Wish I could say more but I’m stressed over my daughter having some health problems.  May not be on Xanga much this week but wanted to say hi and thanks.  Take care.

  9. hey its been a while 🙂 nice poem by the way. poetry is so awesome. its like a teapot letting out its steam…if you don’t let it out…you’re just gonna make a whole lot of annoying noise to the people around you.

    hahaha wow that was odd….lol 🙂 cya!

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