Left Over Thoughts.

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If there is a Thursday I hate that will be this one. Even when I type
in this, the negativity that came into this bright warm day is not
over. The details are crazy, as my new company manager forgot to sign a
document when he sent them to the attorney. The document must go to
USCIS( United States Citizenship And Immigration Services) tomorrow.
And he is still somewhere in rural Wisconsin not able to find a FedEX
or UPS store to overnight that document. As minutes pass by the ever
optimistic me is losing hope. All went bad, all was bad. I will update
later about what happened when day is over in Wisconsin.

I wrote this poem even amidst the chaos of work and this whole thing
going crazy. I really don’t know why I wrote this poem. May be when
everything settle down at some point of time in the future I will be
able to figure that out.

I love you all and I am really sorry I don’t have a happy face to show.

Left Over Thoughts.

Tragedy, my conscience screamed,
As dragged away my heart,
My whole being into seclusion,
The tear ducts in amazement frozen,
Tearless eyes in drowsiness closed,
As many more aftershocks came,
And erased all that felt one by one.

A relationship in failure mocked.

All the positives and negatives felt,
After we lost each other to dreamless nights,
Stood out were the unfitting qualities of mine.

Now when I look at this day so bright,
Unusually warm for this winter,
Trees amidst the town stand like ghosts,
Bare naked but hauntingly beautiful,
Waiting for a warmer day to come.

Busy people passing by with unusual looks,
Upon my face confused between happiness and sadness,
I wonder what sadness deep in their heart they hide.
Still they all show a happy outlook in acting.

Oh’ in the middle of the flow standing,
As everything looks like the echo of some past,
Every sound I hear like a whisper of a familiar face,
All feel like time stopped to feel the past,
A past of joy filled days of laughter and love.

In my minds eye I see a thousand faces,
All yours, chanting my verses,
In this moment of insanity I know,
Happiness is what fills in everywhere,
And sadness is just a left over thought.

10 Replies to “Left Over Thoughts.”

  1. She’s doing good… I really liked this poem, especially the last few lines where it says, “In this moment of insanity I know,
    Happiness is what fills in everywhere,
    And sadness is just a left over thought.”

    Stroke of brilliance….


  2. Oh gosh.  Hang in there.  I’m sorry to hear about your troubles with the paperwork, etc.   The poem really does have very brilliant moments but especially the last stanza.  Wonderful!    (Okay, I was wrong about not being on Xanga much this week after all.)  I sure hope everything works out okay for you.   Take care. 🙂

  3. oh, nooo… that’s terrible! i can totally relate to how u feel. things like that often happens to me. those are the times when all u could do is wait and see and say (ironically) , “great! this juz keeps getting better.” hmmm… i hope everything will still turned out well in the end… btw, although u’re not in a state of euphoria, u still were able to wrote another great poem… i love these lines:

    As dragged away my heart,
    My whole being into seclusion,
    The tear ducts in amazement frozen….

    Busy people passing by with unusual looks,
    Upon my face confused between happiness and sadness,
    I wonder what sadness deep in their heart they hide.
    Still they all show a happy outlook in acting.

    In this moment of insanity I know,
    Happiness is what fills in everywhere,
    And sadness is just a left over thought.

    it reminded and touched something within me… 🙂 love ur poem!

  4. Hang in there friend! It has to get better. If  you recall, I had what seemed like “the week from hell” last week (no comparison to your current problems though) and I found the best way to deal with it all was just to shake my head and jokingly say “what else could possibly go wrong?” I think some times we have bad stretches of events to remind us just how good the best times are. I hope your week gets better! C~

  5. hey, yea, thats what i hate about math. with the career that i chose, all i’ll need to know math wise is MDAS. BTW, i loved the poem…you’re real good. i write poems too, but i think yours are great

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