Wet Weekend

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Yeah, it is raining here in Albany, NY. I don’t even have a movie towatch and all the new poem ideas are stalled for the moment, as I amgoing to make a change. It is a quick turnaround. mmmmm that’s all Iwill say and you all will know haha.

Understanding…. deep understanding…. it is saintly…. no talent can master that….
Misunderstanding…. no talent necessary… only ignorance will do… and most are real masters of that….
Those who understands and act as if they are ignorant of it or did notunderstood…. no matter who they are and what they’ve got will end upbeing losers.

The above said is 100% pure truth learned from nearly 9 years of nomadiclife. If you think I am stupid then you know what group you trulybelong. haha

6 Replies to “Wet Weekend”

  1. hey,

    i saw this site on a metro hope thats cool. well if its not just type a number in a comment. i write songs like poetry too. i hate it when my ideas get stalled. or when i come up something good and there is nothing to write it down with or on lol. well gotta go!


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