Sorrow Of The Solitaire Player.

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Life many a time feels like a bed of thorns. Whichever wayone falls it hurts. So it is always better to walk a thin line making sure notto fall. As for me I am alone so I got to be more careful not to fall, as thereisn’t a hand to stretch to get me back up. A fall means it is all over.

Just some blabbering that’s all.

Well… it was and is a tough day. Deep inside it really hurtsafter I blocked someone out of my Xanga. I remember a dialogue from “Tess OfThe D’Urbervilles” “All is wrong with the world….”

I finished the following poem yesterday. I wrote part of itlast week, but never thought it will come out this way. I asked some peoplehere in the hotel to join me for the weekend and promised that I will take careof all drinks and anything else they need. By Friday I know one of them isgoing on a camping trip and I met her on the weekend and requested her to stayback as the weather is windy and cloudy.

She told me “I thought you were telling it just for fun, Inever took it seriously” She left.

Another guy, the boyfriend of her colleague did not showedup at all. I was left alone and I went out for “The Omen”. Early Sunday morningI started writing this poem using the notes I wrote earlier last week. Eventhough she said, she will join me on another weekend… I felt bad, really badand thought mmm may be I should have just planned to be alone than invitingthese folks to join me. May be it is always good to be alone and be at my owncommand than depending on other people’s mockery. May be, I should justdisappear and relax away from it all forever.

Self doubt mmm that’s the result of the weekend and I amjust living it, even though I hate myself being in this situation.

Sorrow Of TheSolitaire Player.

The digital illusion with zeroes and ones made,
Through the depths of networks, virtual and real,
Boundaries of all kinds vanish,
When zeroes and ones in gazillions fly.

Oh’ minds spoke free through the virtual life,
Images, videos and sound at light speed move,
And minds in wonder thrive and some in peril lost.
From the best knowledge to the worst criminal,
All through the virtual world roam.

Oh’ he in front of the boxed magnificence sat,
Learning more of the world through the digital magic,
Wrote everything in his mind conceived,
Though upon the virtual world about the real feelings he wrote,
All into the digital oblivion lost.

Oh’ in his real life for all he wished a hypocrite he is not,
And not a manipulative mind he got,
Many thoughts of his no mind understood,
And between fantasy and reality he fought,
For the survival of his own mind from being lost.

When real minds took his words as fancy thoughts,
Oh’ sorrow upon him tightened her grip,
What more he can wish he know not,
And buried his words meant to convey,
The feelings for her, deep in his mind he felt.

Oh’ the digital magnificence in the box does,
What exactly it is told to do,
And disconnected from his own mind,
He just felt pity for his own romantic demise,
And the game of solitaire once more opened,
To play from a deck of cards and a game he know not,
Still played, to keep the light upon the soul he felt,
Far deeper than imaginations ever can conceive.


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