Looking Beyond Stars.

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A week in one way I look back was all uneventful, in anotherway when I look, there were so many things that happened I just wish all thoseimages were erased from my mind. I am a poet, I don’t write directly, I try todepict what I feel through images indirectly to people, those people whounderstands my writings understands me well. The same applies in my day to daylife. I speak and behave in the same way. Everything I do have a meaning beyondwhat it seems and everything I speak also means more than mere words. Theproblem is it is just not common for people to be that way. To say it in thebest way directly… things are lost in translation, or is it possible that thosewho understands don’t respond at all. There are a lot of both in my life. Iwrote about it. One of those writing is what you can find below.
        This weekendis far from over.

Looking BeyondStars.

The orange illusion of the mid June morn erased,
By the red sun who rolled up with blazing heat.

Oh’ to the sunlight he spoke,
“Why you hide all my lucky stars?
Those little twinkling wonders far,
Why blind every loving eye from mine?
And leave me in eternal torment day after day.
Oh’ wrong I am in telling about every eye,
As only a couple I really wanted to see you shine,
But upon her face you mean nothing more than vibgyor
Oh’ when you shatter upon that face and merge in her love,
Will you leave in her heart the echo of the cry of my love?
Which she never hear or understand.”

He walked through the day with glimmers of hope,
Sweating, gathering sunburn and tired,
The sun painted back the orange illusion,
As out of horizon he bowed,
The scattered clouds stayed still watching,
The magnificence of the sun burning out,
And as a red ball disappeared from every eye.

Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in fierce competition showed,
Those far away planets, astrologers in math see day and night,
About planets, stars and galaxies he cares not,
Still at them he looked as all earthly knowledge he knows worked not,
In conveying his liking for the girl he loved,
He knows there is no life in those heavenly objects he see,
In all probability he is looking far beyond those stars in prayers,
As she is the only blessing from heaven he seeks.


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