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I know there will be surprises at many corner with thispoem. Said that… I would like to tell you all that if you don’t understand anypart of any poem just feel free to say that. So that I can correct it and willnot make the same kinda mistake again.  Iknow some of you may find it rude from my side asking you all to comment inLonelyPoet.Com, well… that’s the way I wanted it. As for my poems it is my way.

  Now if you all havenoticed, the building of this poem started way early yesterday itself. If youdon’t understand any part of it feel free to tell me and ask me if you have anyquestions. I have said yesterday itself what happened, that anger, sleepdeprivation and the frustration of it all consumed most of the day except theWorld cup soccer finals and the evening spent with couple of people here in thehotel I stay.

  In all honestyby night time as usual I regretted my thoughts and actions. But never will Iforget yesterday.

Less facial hair and light skin color… wellthat’s the only difference between me and him hehehe. If someone shows my pictureand tell him what I said pssst he may violently kick your butts.  I love the peace upon his face.


Like a Lilly blossoming the day around me spread,
“O starless dark night goodbye” I said.

Joined billions of people to watch the final,
Of world cup soccer and wonderful it was,
Zidane one of the all time great, his temper he lost,
Though first I thought what he did was right,
Still a wrong is a wrong no matter what.

Thoughts back and forth they traveled,
Even though through my mistakes a darling she became,
Felt the anger after late night I awoke,
To the presence of her in my poetrybox,
Found no word from her but a dedication,
Dedication of a lifetime to another soul,
Mistake it maybe from her, to enter my domain,
Still felt anger, sadness and frustration unknown.

I, I, I Oh’ how many times that one letter word I said,
Bye, bye, bye my happiness said, every time I said “I”,
I sat in a corner of a couch thinking,
Only to know that my existence is not just for me,
But spread far beyond my own imagination.
Though never to anything my life I dedicated,
My thoughts spoke louder than any rationale I know,
Everything material to a point of time belongs,
Which we use and throw away,
Though God remains unimaginable,
Life belongs to him the One who gave,
The soul a cloak of flesh and blood,
And let me walk upon this piece of road I call “My Time”.

By the time I found peace with myself in regrets and prayers,
Darkness filled every corner I know,
Oh’ the moon looked almost full,
And I looked up to a sky with twinkling stars filled,
I walked slowly to my bed and to sleep,
Waking up a little later and I prayed,
“Oh’ never did a prayer of mine for me was answered O God,
She, who wished luck for me and the one she love,
Bless those souls with every good in material and spirit,
As my soul filled with the praise of yours O God,
For letting me thrive in this piece of time, that fills every bit of me,
Oh’ what more blessing of yours should I seek, O God,
But for those who always wish good for me.”

By then I know I cannot move anymore,
As to the rest of the night belonged my peace.


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