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Chaos in thoughts…. Well that will explain Tuesday…. Read.


Thunders and lightning, earlier than me they woke,

Like naughty kids, started their scaring play,

Even before the lazy old sun lit up the East.


Under the pillow, my head I squeezed,

Though knowing the morning rituals will all be late.


‘Mad Tuesdays’, Tuesdays I call,

As all will end in negative, I know,

Longtime back in my teen life I tried,

To change my approach in my own way unique,

Everyone around me then praised,

Though wild it were, most of what I did,

From those days in the wild style of life I lived,

A lesson I learned about all who praised,

All those who praised where like my own shadow,

Hiding behind me when the bright light I faced,

And when in dark, left me to silence and darkness deep.

All those praises now I know,

Where mere projections of their insecurity,

My own conscience from that knowledge spoke,

“Look for the ones who spoke the truth,

Though the truth tellers, they may sound rude,

Oh’ they will remain in ones good and bad forever”.


No truth tellers in any day I found,

As in the obsession in what I sought,

To speak from my heart I learned,

Oh’ none seems to be around as in discipline the truth I spoke,

As all in the fantasies of liars, dwell.


Thoughts through the day wandered,

Those busy schedules to my life bound,

Oh’ all I did and do to find,

Balance between all I have and I don’t,

Oh’ none knows the spiritual struggle outweighs,

The struggle with a world in material I constructed,

Life slowly gathers both, unknowing to balance,

And the tug of war continues in the form of good and bad.


The end of the day neared and out for my walk I went,

Mind in thoughts far, far away boggled,

As in my minds eyes I saw a beautiful path well laid,

Deep from my mind a warning spoke,

“Flowers show more beauty,

Only to propagate than absorb”.

Negative thoughts in a positive mind thrived,

As I walked through country roads scaring rabbits,

Sometime I paused to listen to birds unseen,

Beautiful sounds they made and the wind blew in counter point,

Flowers of weeds peeped at a stranger walking by,

And overgrown ferns tired of themselves drooping to the ground.


After the walk, all energy blown up inside,

Music and poetry, Oh’ they love me more,

As all the time in embraces, good they make me feel.


The night kept me awake late,

In thoughtless internet chat my mind bubbled around,

Then for a moment paused I and closed my eyes,

As all thoughts of the day in a wonderful movie played,

The images of the tired ferns frame by frame played to end,

My thoughts of the day without any credits,

As mind into a deep dark valley unknown flown,

To nest and rest in a beautiful night.




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