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Mo Cuishle,

       Interesting question, wow how will it feel I don’t know. You know, I was trying not to talk to you at all. That was what I was talking about in the last post. I blocked you then felt really sad. Then last week I deleted the comments about your pictures from your MySpace site and kept quite. Mmm.. you broke the silence. I really liked that picture with your smile… I was trying just the opposite of what I felt when I wrote that rude comment (so sorry about that).

  I don’t know what will help and what will not. Never tell that my love was a feeling unreal. It is real, that’s why even after fighting it for more than a year I am having trouble getting over it.

  Don’t get offended by my poems…. For Today’s poem (Yesterday-07/12/06) it became necessary for me to tell in the situation area who I am talking about. Otherwise, you may think it is you I am referring to in that poem. I cannot guarantee that there won’t be any reference about you in my future works. It will be there. If you feel offended by anything let me know I will remove it.


Riaz Ahammed.

One Reply to “”

  1. Heh, glad to know that my smile isn’t ugly. You should have heard some of the comments I got from people who saw what you wrote. *shrugs* I guess it really didn’t matter in the end.

    Well, I could always try it. And no, I won’t be offended at future references. (Though it probably would have been a better answer to say I would be, it would be lying.)

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