My Response

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Mo Cuishle,

    Tell me what should I do…. Just hit my head hard on some concrete wall? I can do that what benefit will it bring. Kindness mmm that is a word you should have never used. Pity… I don’t deserve it. Why I talk to you… because sometime back when twisting my emotions to figure out a character’s face I gave your face to that character and the end result was pure love I felt for you. I still feel it. Is this what you wanted to hear? I doubt it. If I know a way to erase everything from my mind well… for you I will do that. I know no way. All the things you and the world tell as my erratic or eccentric behavior, is to find a way around it. If you think love can be like smelling a flower and throwing it away, then you have a serious problem.

One Reply to “My Response”

  1. You should know of all people that I don’t think of love in that way. However, you don’t feel love for me. You feel love for a fictional character with my face pasted on top of her. If you loved “me”, things would be very different. You couldn’t love me, you’ve never met me. You love my face…which is something I can’t honor.

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