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This poem was written yesterday… but I literally forgot to post it late night. My friend Mike Roberts is here with me. He will be here for another two to three weeks. We worked together long time back now he want to get back to IT industry and want to spend sometime with me as I am full of “IT” (LOL) and poetry. He don’t seems to understand like many of you do what these poems are all about. A while back I wrote a poem called “Vulture Is A Patient Bird” so be patient you will understand the full meaning of “Everything I do Is For A Reason, Everything I Say Have A Meaning”. 

   “Holly and Christine it is hard for me to forget” part of this poem is a spin off those lines… there is more to come.



Where did yesterday go I asked, yesterday,

When morning blossomed in silence,

The old ugly stranger in the mirror I saw,

Oh’ quite he was all morning,

Then the afternoon with a strange frowning, he watched,

Then beautiful me inside spoke,

“Didn’t I told ya many times love for you is a mockery,

Of mind as your own villain you are,

Though love deep inside felt,

The reasons and rationale still unknown,

Oh’ roads once passed retraced,

Follow soulless beasts who all uncaringly smiled,

And upon nakedness of flesh sellers rested,

In the beauty of flesh and color you drowned,

Crawl back to your dark lonely den,

Where peace in silence awaits”.


Oh’ he shown gestures in anger,

And made noises in a language I know not,

I felt angry with my own projected self,

However, what he did next erased,

Every bad thoughts and ugliness about him from my eyes,

When he spend what he saved to feed,

Orphaned children far, far away who all know him not.



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