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Yesterday was a day that never had any downs in it. I justwalked into the day with nothing in my mind. And everything looked good at theend of the day. Well… Read the poem and it will speak more about a Monday. Theyare usually very normal or in another way a nothing special day.


I opened my eyes and more darkness I saw,
For being kind, God Almighty I thanked,
As from virtual death I once more woke up.

Wake up now, wake up now I told the morn,
The red rays of the summer sun seemed shy,
To show the bare naked sun to the eyes of a poet,
I closed my eyes for the sun to wear,
The cloak of light that can show my eyes,
The vast greenery around where I live.

The first working day of the week at snail pace went,
Program codes, meetings and conference calls,
With its on dynamism built in, the actions at work,
Everyday in everyway the combinations changed,
Like the images in a kaleidoscope.

Evening came, the sun uncloaked and into hiding went,
Early night flown away as with my friends I drove,
In the city in the tiredness of a hot day laid,
Music and talks, arguments and laughs all filled,
In our drive through the city and suburbs,
Oh’ hours went by like minutes,
Before everyone went to rest and sleep,
When alone, through the big window I looked,
Jupiter in all his glory seemed smiling,
What an existence far, far away with no life, I thought,
But sure for the balance of others he rolls on strong,
I pressed my head upon the pillow hard,
As far, far away I felt,
Anyone who can understand me,
And in a way an illusion is it all,
As none really ever existed to understand me at all.

All life in a search I drowned,
Some faces and gestures I loved but all vaporized away,
Some still in the mind as broken dreams linger,
Some just to break heart a little more stays on,
Why did I searched and why should I search,
Conscience asked with a voice deep and tired,
And not to search anymore I decided,
In my way to sleep after a warm and bright day.

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