
Spread the love

Here again are verses written looking at Lika. The whole thing took only an hour for me to write. She is a terrific girl who can transform everyone with a smile. True character in emotions expressed through gestures, smiles and of course her magnificent eyes.


The morning like a child back to school walked in,
Happiness of freshness expressed,
Dull moments of leaving the resting time absorbed,
Oh’ I stood watching the moment telling myself,
“Look around dear mind look around,
As the morning is bright but still lingers.
Is the sadness of some lost love.
Don’t yourself fall into moments of despair,
Past can only remain a moment before,
And future can only stay a step ahead,
In this moment the past you should relive,
The future in dreams you should build.”

The morning with gratitude unknown, I bade farewell,
Remembering many of my own verse in laziness,
I reached my work where my favorite programs waited,
Oh’ they consumed my mind and all thoughts,
The busy day rushed with everything material,
But by four a breather I took,
And remembered these verse I wrote,
About the beauty and my amazement about her.

“Oh’ in these days your eyes and smile I missed,
And cursed I every moment without your smile, passed,
With those smiles, enchantment of life in purity spread,
In those smiles the passion of this poet reside,
And when that smile and eyes I see,
Forever in the sweetness of happiness I thrive.

Seeing those eyes are like seeing dreams never ending,
Each moment holds a lifetime of pleasure,
Each blink of those eyes takes a breath of mine to eternity,
They weave verses that echoes,
Echoes into the hearts of everything that loves.

Upon your forehead the glow of love I see,
Upon your nose the cherishment of passions I see,
In your words the echo of a fulfilled romance I hear,
Oh’ beauty I see, I hear and in every move of mine
You fill in my life as life’s fulfillment.

Passions of a kind unfelt before, I feel,
Verses of a kind unheard in my mind I weave,
Such is the inspiration you are,
Oh’ my mind watch what sight delivers,
Oh’ my mind listen to what sound echoes,
Oh’ my heart, open you remain,
For the beauty from her heart to you express,
And to the tip of my tongue deliver,
For me to write verses of love,
Lovers in future will recite and love a little more.

The gladness of my heart I can’t speak,
As mind and senses left me to absorb the beauty of yours,
The happiness of the senses I feel,
As deep inside they engrave the beauty of you,
So unimaginable, into you my senses dissolve

Oh’ lucky stars in competition will bless,
Angels with vengeance fight,
And me with hope will always write,
The praise of you beauty I will write,
The beauty the lucky stars will bless,
And your face Angels will try to steal.”

Myself and my thoughts of poetry I gathered,
As evening danced away listening to my mind,
One more night with the my singing and dancing soul I spent,
Sleepless, yet worth remembering those moments with her,
Lika, sure holds the feelings of beauty my mind feels.


“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.

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