August 23, 2006, Wednesday. Wednesdays are pious days… they are always good for starting something new. The day started explosively…. Read the poem…
Like their singing talent, the FM Band from Kazakhstan is stunning in their appearance too.
A dream into my mind crept,
And so real in my heart that dream I felt,
Opened my eyes with tears filled.
Oh’ the mild-morning sunrays fought,
To wipe away those tears before falling,
Oh’ what I saw, to recollect I tried.
Other than hazy faces, nothing I remembered,
And unclear those faces and to my memory unknown,
Maybe it was a reality in the past I eluded,
Maybe a reality, yet to come with faces monstrous,
Maybe the worthiness of that dream,
Was to see, feel and forget.
Computer programs, the passion to do better, consumed,
The day hours from any imaginations,
Evening thoughtless and eventless went,
But when the dark claws of the night grabbed all,
Felt the same, when in the morning I woke.
Oh’ from far or near, good or bad, change approaches,
Inevitable all are but in carving life, change is gradual.
When my head hard upon the pillow I pressed,
“Change is hard to take as it sways,
With the flow you go and the flow becomes you”.
My mind in soliloquy whispered,
What more the mind said, I remember not,
Like the details of the dream in the morning, I saw.
“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.