Last Drops Of Tears.

In less than 24 hours I don’t have much to update. But I found out there are more than Americans and people normally hates poetry, know about my book. Here are some interesting places where I found my book.


 Age Of Survival In France It is no wonder why the French are so quite these days. Trying to figure out, what the heck we just read now.

Age Of Survival In Germany Even Germans are banging their heads on the wall after the read.

Age Of Survival In Forbes Book Club ????&**&**&%$ that’s what I am hearing from Wall Street. The Market needs correction as people are blabbering language we don’t understand. Business men/women read poetry. Unbelievable.

Have a great long weekend everyone.


The book Age Of Survival my collection of poems is available in all major online book outlets.


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Life sometime is veryhard to take. Some days are so harsh, one will feel nullified insideout. I still smiled at mankind, my hypocrisy, when I know deep inside Iam burning like a blast furnace. From one of those flames I wrote.

Last Drops Of Tears.

Upon a shore once I stood,

And the cool breeze caress my face I felt

And waves in curves rolling upon the shore in ecstasy.

Upon the hill once I stood,

And the naughty wind blasting upon my face I felt,

And the streams danced underneath with passion filled joy.

Upon the sand dooms of desert once I stood,

And the naughty winds hands through showering sands I felt,

And the earth underneath flown up with the wind enlightened.

Burying passions of my love I now stand,

And the naughty wind sharing my sadness, stood still,

And the earth underneath in tremors wept.

The shore, hill and desert all as monuments stood,

The wind flown through the monuments lazily,

The earth still mourned with my heart.

Nature so much into my soul filled,

So my feelings in Nature I see,

Still energetic and wonderfully beautiful.

The beauty of life through every feeling I understand,

This be another feeling, of lost love I learned,

Holding a handful of sand I shed, last drops of my tears for love.


“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.

Are you fine?

Mo Cuishle,
     How are you? You said you are sad and haven’t
heard anything from you afterwards. I hope you are fine and happy now.
I am just concerned that’s all.

Riaz Ahammed

Spring Of The Snow Owl

The book Age Of Survival my collection of poems is available in all major online book outlets.


Click here to buy at Amazon
Click here to buy at Buy.Com
Click here to buy at Barnes & Nobles
Click here to buy at Booksamillion
Click here to buy at Powells.Com

This poem is written first and sent to an English teacher to know if it worked. Mmm nope the teacher got it all wrong. My brother also didn’t understood what is it I meant to say. Now, I revised that poem and here is the revised version.


Have a great week ahead everyone.


Spring Of The Snow Owl.


The half moon at the edge of the clouds rested,

Lazy old one smiling with eyes closed.

Summer birds all flown away,

Stray cats with tooth and nail for territory fought,

The snow owl watched the moon in silence,


Life in full circle none want to see,

Those silly events, all part of the big picture,

And my vision by the clouds covered,

I see not, I see none as heart and soul only seek,

The colorful, the magnificent and the powerful,

Oh’ I knew not, colorless was the big picture.


Into that picture a thousand colors I want to pour,

But will it all just wash away in stubborn rain,

When passionate belief and faith haunts loving minds.

So, though far away, with dreams as brush I paint,

A color at a time, and holds my own head for it to dry,


Ah’ pleasant I am in making a pleasant looking art,

The art of love, the art of heart, the art in pleasantness recite,

The true verses in my heart kept unsung,

To every soul that passed me by.


When moon reflects love from the depth of my soul

I know the moon want to be full, soon,

To smile in full with my passionate love,

And summer birds will soon return,

With songs of love dancing through the spring

The stray cats will find warm homes,

The snow owl watching the moon will see,

What for her intended and will shed her feathers,

For the scent and warmth of an everlasting spring.



“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.

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