Crazy Times

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A really crazy day, I just don’t know where it started, I was late in the morning for a meeting, even though I reached office at 7:30AM. By about 10:30AM my head really started paining badly. Carried the pain all through the day. Someone at work tried his best to show me how he wants us to proceed as bottle neck after bottle neck we faced all through last month. It all went crazy as a software install on the Mainframe failed. It was around 8:00PM when I left work. Then I remembered one of my program that need to be installed in China have to be tested by the business user there. After a brief chat with a wonderful friend I logged into to get a great news, the people who added that user into the test environment did a bad job. She cannot access the system. I apologized to her and thought I can sleep well…. then I got the very bad news. My sister-in-law’s mother have brain tumor. My brother with his family is leaving to India as soon as possible as she is undergoing emergency surgery. My prayers are for her, hope you all pray too.

I am a man who keeps my words with a passion, but when it comes to situations when my hands are tied and those who care about me cannot be helped. It just tires me down. Very sad …

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