Thespace shuttle Atlantis (foreground) sits on Launch Pad A and the spaceshuttle Endeavour on Launch Pad B (above) at the Kennedy Space Centerin Cape Canaveral, Florida September 20, 2008. For the first time sinceJuly 2001, two shuttles are on the launch pads at the same time. REUTERS/Nasa/handout
ScatteredRuins, the poem takes its name from the last line. The subject of thepoem is something I thought of not writing for a long long time. But Iwrote. Read the intro of the last poem I posted, you will know what Imean. If still in doubt ask me.
Scattered Ruins
The wind move the sands on the shore,
As slowly picked up a little shovel found,
Dug deep to find wet sand and with it built,
A little castle from impressions in mind,
Impressions left when a dream I saw,
A dream seen bit by bit everyday,
And years of passion filled love it gave,
Oh what a wonderful structure the castle took.
Poured along are the colors, the grassy meadows,
The fields of scent giving blossoms,
All filled around a castle that kept the feelings,
Feeling of a life time of love and love beyond life.
The waves stronger and stronger crashed,
With the wind from the East blowing,
And silence deep in the waves buried,
As the sea to every mind spoke,
None knows what the meaning of every bubble blown,
And none knows the wrath with which she broke,
Every sandcastle built by innocent hearts,
And at them, dead fish and rotten algae she threw,
As if to show her dislikes, from the darkest depths,
Maybe to say a sandcastle was built to break,
As nothing can bind it all together.
As in meditative walks with every ounce of energy tries,
To forget, to forgive oneself and to live in empty shell,
Every time I close my eyes I see,
The scattered ruins of a castle washing away.
“And none knows the wrath with which she broke,
Every sandcastle built by innocent hearts,”
Its been a while since youve written a poem glad you got inspired again friend I loved these lines I really enjoyed this great write…
Nicely done-