Words And Images

Crap More And Save Earth And Money.
San Antonio unveiled a deal on Tuesday that will make it the firstU.S. city to harvest methane gas from human waste on a commercial scaleand turn it into clean-burning fuel.
      San Antonio residents produce about 140,000 tons a year of asubstance gently referred to as “biosolids,” which can be reprocessedinto natural gas, said Steve Clouse, chief operating officer of thecity’s water system.
       140K tons of crap? That’s a whole lot of Crap. hehehe, what about the fart, is there anyway one can save it in some can or something like that. See those people who crap 140K tons a year should be farting a lot too.. Daaang I sound nasty now.
 Enough crap.

Here are the images.

NorthKoreans participate in celebrations for the 60th anniversary of thefounding of North Korea in Pyongyang, September 9, 2008. REUTERS/Kyodo

An Indian policeman holds a shield against stone-throwing Kashmiri Muslim protesters in Srinagar September 9, 2008.  REUTERS/Fayaz Kabli

AMuslim girl prays right before breaking the fast in a madrasa or school during the Muslim fastingmonth of Ramadan on the outskirts of Jammu, India. September 9, 2008.  REUTERS/Amit Gupta

A woman rests in a shelter set up at a former convent after being evacuated in Havana September 9, 2008. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

A dog waits for its owner outside the Capitol building, which was turned into a shelter, in Havana September 9, 2008. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

Actress Brooke Shields attends the Calvin Klein 40th anniversary party during Fashion Week in New York, Sunday, Sept. 7, 2008. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer)

This NOAA satellite image takenWednesday, September 10, 2008 at 01:15 PM EDT shows Hurricane Ikelocated to the southwest of the Florida Keys, in the Gulf of Mexico.Ike is a Category 1 hurricane and continues to cause heavy rain andsevere thunderstorms in the Florida Keys. To the north, a front cuttingacross the Mid-Atlantic into the Southern Plains generates rain andthunderstorms. Cloudy conditions over the Northern and Central Plainsare also indicative of stormy weather. (AP PHOTO/WEATHER UNDERGROUND)

Live Live Live

I don’t know how many of you come to the front page of my site these days. Those who comment just come from the sub page to the post and leave. I have added a small Video box on the left hand side of the xanga front page. Just come to www.poetrybox.us and scroll down a bit you can see the box. When I am online you can see me…in my room where I sit and write, talk on the phone, watch T.V,listen to music or I just talk to myself if there is none to talk to.hehe. Those who have me on IM can come online and chat with me. I cando the LiveCast from anywhere, it means I can use my Treo and do theLiveCast too. You can see the difference from the quality of the videoor the writing under the video that says “LoinelyPoet’s Live Webcast(itmeans I am using my PC)” or it says “LonelyPoet’s Phone LiveCast”(it means I am using my Treo to do the LiveCast) The Treo cast is not good in quality as the camera is not that good. Anyway don’t get scared seeing a big headed poet cracking his head to write hehehe… and these days as it is Ramadhan I am fasting too so I don’t open my mouth a lot.

Laugh a lot if you can seeing my gestures. Long time back before I started the Xanga I had something called ‘LonelyPoet’s Poetry Workshop’ where one can see the whole room all the time. People come write comments like, we love the furry bear( I was fatter, with lot of hair and unshaved most of the time).. hehehe…. I am going to leave now leaving some pictures from China… the photographer Jason Lee did a remarkable job with the camera. Some pictures, hold a thousand lines of verse in them.

Adamaged statue of Buddha is seen at the destroyed Xiayuan Temple inLuoshui town of earthquake-hit Shifang county, Sichuan Province June 3,2008. Sixty-five cultural relics under state protection and 119 underprovincial protection in Sichuan province have been severely damaged asa result of May 12 earthquake, the State Administration of CulturalHeritage said in a report by China Daily.  REUTERS/Jason Lee

Abutterfly flies around the feet of dead students buried in the ruins ofdestroyed classrooms at a school in earthquake-hit Beichuan county,Sichuan province, May 15, 2008.  REUTERS/Jason Lee

Agirl fails to maintain a crouching posture as students go throughetiquette training at a vocational school in Beijing October 25, 2007.Around 1,400 aviation service students, mostly between the ages of 16and 17, are currently going through physical conditioning as well asprofessional training for dressing and etiquette in order to serve asstewards during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, according to the schoolannouncement.  REUTERS/Jason Lee

Anethnic Tibetan girl looks over her shoulder outside the LabrangMonastery in Xiahe, western China’s Gansu province, August 14, 2006.  REUTERS/Jason Lee

Arainbow appears as a Chinese man uses a boat to move in a floodedstreet in Wuzhou city, southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang AutonomousRegion, June 24, 2005.  REUTERS/Jason Lee

Reutersphotographer Jason Lee is pictured in the earthquake-hit BeichuanCounty, Sichuan Province as he covers the earthquake aftermath May 19,2008. REUTERS/Stringer

Through The Eyes Of A Camera


Awoman reacts during a ceremony commemorating the people who died duringthe 2004 Beslan hostage crisis in the southern Russian town’s schoolnumber 1, September 3, 2008. Moscow’s campaign against Islamistinsurgents reached a watershed in September 2004, when heavily armedChechen gunmen seized a school in Beslan. When the siege ended threedays later, 334 people – half of them children – were dead. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Airportpersonnel inspect a small airplane which slid off the end of the runwaywhen it was landing at Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil,September 3, 2008. The three crew members who were in the plane werenot hurt in the incident, local media reported. REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker

Britishactress Keira Knightley poses for photographers as she arrives for theworld premiere of her new film “The Duchess” in London’s LeicesterSquare September 3, 2008. REUTERS/Andrew Winning

Ananimal rights activist covered in red paint lies on a white sheet madeto look like a Japanese flag during a protest against dolphin slaughterin Madrid September 3, 2008. REUTERS/Susana Vera

AnIranian boy lies in a symbolic coffin of the U.S. with a picture ofauthor Salman Rushdie, while visiting the International Koranexhibition at the Imam Khomeini grand mosque in Tehran September 3,2008. REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl

Childrenplay with snow after a heavy hailstorm hit a deforested hillside inGikingi Village in Nyahururu town, Kenya, September 3, 2008. REUTERS/Antony Njuguna

ImformaticsPHD student Sebastian Bitzer performs push up exercises with aprogrammed Kondo humanoid robot at the newly opened Imformatics Forumbuilding of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland September 3, 2008.The university’s new 42 million pound ($74,734,800) development bringstogether over five hundred scientists whose interests include virtualreality, robotics, artificial learning and intelligent systems. REUTERS/David Moir

Today Through The Lens

Aprotester dressed as a detainee lies on the street during clashes withpolice securing the venue of the 2008 Republican National Convention inSt. Paul, Minnesota September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/Damir Sagolj

Mascotsrepresenting the Republican party (L) and the Democratic party (R) ridearound on Segway personal transporters at the 2008 Republican NationalConvention in St. Paul, Minnesota September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/Jim Young

Adog walks near soldiers of Moldova’s self-proclaimed separatist Dnestrregion as they take part in a military parade in Tiraspol during anIndependence Day celebration September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/Gleb Garanich

ARussian armored vehicle is driven past a housing block in Tskhinvali,the main city in breakaway South Ossetia, September 2, 2008. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Anaerial view shows houses damaged by Hurricane Gustav in Nueva Gerona onthe Isle of Youth September 2, 2008. Television reports showedwidespread devastation on the island, which has about 86,000 residents. REUTERS/Claudia Daut

A woman sits in a tent in a refugee camp in Gori some 80 km (50 miles) west of Tbilisi, September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili

JohnBurlett pushes a wheelbarrow across a flooded street in the aftermathof Hurricane Gustav in the Venetian Isles area of New Orleans,Louisiana September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/Lee Celano

AMuslim offers evening prayer on the first day of Ramadan at the JamaMasjid (grand mosque) in the old quarters of Delhi September 2, 2008.  
REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

A woman takes part in an audition for fashion models in New Delhi September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

Pictures From A Gone By Day

Five men ride on a motorcycle in the old quarters of Delhi, India September 1, 2008.  REUTERS/Adnan Abidi

Aboy prays before a session marking the start of Ramadan at the GoldenMosque in Manila, Philippines, September 1, 2008. Muslims around theworld abstain from eating, drinking and conducting sexual relationsfrom sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamiccalendar.  
REUTERS/Cheryl Ravelo

Young Tibetan monks watch the 48th Tibetan Democracy Day celebrations in Kathmandu, Nepal, September 2, 2008.  REUTERS/Gopal Chitrakar

Newsphotographers stand on railroad cars to get elevation as theyphotograph water topping over the Industrial Canal in the Ninth Ward inNew Orleans, Louisiana September 1, 2008.  REUTERS/Dave Martin

And this, look at John McCain’s Eyes in this video.It raises questions and they goes like this… do you want anotherBush term? The answer is if you need one elect McCain. Second question,do you want another Clinton term, the answer is if you want one elect McCain, the oneto be in the role of Lewinsky is already there.hehehe

Picture Of The Day

The Scary Face

Todays Picture … my own Scary Face. My little niece came around when I was having dinner and I tried to scare her she took the picture with my brother’s phone.

Update:— Many of you may already know this… LiveCast.Com if you have a smartphone with camera you can use that camera as a webcam and do live webcast. It is free and I tried it, it is good. Just to let you all know that’s it.

I did not used facebook for a long time. But many people asked me to start it. I thought I will test it out. Honestly, it was a disaster. hehehe…. I added many real life friends there… and in the end I gave a warning. I will delete anyone who don’t keep in touch with me. Only two remains there now. Rest all got deleted. Well that’s just me. If anyone is interested in keeping in touch with me there in facebook add me Riaz Ahammed is the name you should look for or look for the email lonelypoet@poetrybox.us. Special thanks to Lah (she knows who she is) who keep in touch with me there.

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