Hello my friends, how are you all doing? I hope everyone is doing fantastic in this spring. My whereabouts cannot be disclosed anymore. So just to let you know that I am doing good. My sincere apologies for not getting to many of you as I was terribly busy. Hope you all will forgive me for that. My second book is done and I hope by summer or early fall it will be in stores. Aha, you all read the word hope many times so far. Well that kinda tells it, a lot of things are still in hopes. Anyway, I am doing a good job with the whole blogtv thing. That keeps me away from most of my other activities. Well here is a poem I wrote and it took sometime for me to add it here as it should be made part of RIAZAHAMMED.COM for copyright reasons. This is a poem written out of no where, I will give a detailed explanation how I got into it in a video later. What started it all and how I expanded it. Before I end this post let me tell ya.. feelings are hard to abandon when it is the truth and the pain, unbelievably hard to swallow. If anyone can, it is better not to love at all in life.
The Loving Gardener.
The shining sun smiled upon all creations of God,
Silence way upon the hill took her sleep,
As morning through the valley spread, unopposed.
When weeds with their flowers in pride stood,
And later with the naughty wind danced,
And gave a handful of pollen to spread far,
Oh life once again screamed, in every corner of nature.
Gardens of all kinds people built,
As old and new houses alike brightened,
In the middle of them in new colors of all kinds,
Giving thought, how wonderful hearts of those owners are.
Steps always slowed around the Garden Street,
As to see at least one owner mind always wished,
Never ever anyone seen in those gardens with flowers filled,
Still the smiles of flowers made mind to dance with them.
On that day as usual eyes made legs so slow,
And then I saw her pruning a rose plant in the evening light,
Every flower in shyness waited to be touched by her,
As far more beauty on her face one can see.
Can’t stop as the world and her may only think all wrong,
Still heart stopped for a moment or two,
Then to me with a smile she looked,
As if reading every thought in this poetic mind.
Every beautiful feeling every sense in mind ever came,
Merged all and gave the ink to write these lines in mind,
And looking into her eyes in my mind I said,
“In your eyes a hundred lines of verses sleep,
Lucky I will be if I at least one line of verse I can wake
With the blessing from those smiles I can steal,
And let the world knowing that soul will always live in love”.
Then I knew she indeed read my mind,
As in giggles she ran back to her home holding,
A bunch of lucky flowers that felt her touch,
Giving one more glance and that pretty smile,
When closing the material door,
Leaving spiritual ones open.
very very nice poem. 3.30 am my brain is a bit fried to offer up what i thought worked.
How lovely this is. My grandmother gifted me with her love of roses – they are by far my favorite flower. And this poem is every bit as beautiful as the finest rose in her garden. Thanks you.
I really dig this one!
to stop and stare
with all the care
he can confer
upon this girl.