The Curse Of The LonelyPoet. Part III.

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The New Year came with no thunder and lightning. The day passed just like another day. It was a year of recuperating. 2010 is a year I will remember as going back to basics. The counting of successful days was not a great idea then setbacks came in. We change doesn’t happen by itself one will force it and then the resistance from the whole nature around is amazingly awesome. It is not easy at all, still there is a touch of pleasantness to everything.

  I am not a person who will forget the steps I climbed to reach a little more higher. These are days when it is not to heights I move, it is just ahead. Still I keep in mind every step that took me ahead. There were events involving people who deliberately hurt me. I have forgiven them all. Then my unconditional love still remains unaccepted.

 The very thought of that unaccepted portion of my soul brought me to a very dramatic chaos in mind. This is not the first time this happened. Twice it happened; in both times I took those portions as a piece of time in life I called a curse. The first poem “The Curse Of The LonelyPoet” was published in my first book “Age Of Survival”. The second poem was written based on a real life event and then a dream I saw where I saw a doll talking to me in anger. I made it a bit spooky and called it “The Curse Of The LonelyPoet. Part II” This one takes a different turn.


The Curse Of The LonelyPoet. Part III.

 See through the light from my soul,
See the love in my soul that glows,
Darkness is nothing strange to the true lover,
Ah’ nothing on Earth stay as is forever.
I laid all the light in my soul for you to see,
See the love for you glow in me.
Maybe a thousand lines of verse about us I already wrote,
Wrote in soul, memories, in a thousand years to come can remember,
Oh’ you are the flower, who withstood the winter storm,
You are the star that shines without any mass inside,
But for me you chose to leave,
Leave only a silhouette of gladness.

The phantoms of past faceless danced,
And about you again and again I thought,
Dragged along with a life consumed,
With crooked fate and dark times,
Oh’ the shining of a blessing I once saw,
The shining of a lucky star in the soul of yours,
But why ye chose again to throw,
Me back into the mighty dark of past.
Kindness of you I will not take,
Anger of you with love I will subdue,
And the loving me you can never curse,
Into oblivion my love will go,
Only your love for me can rekindle in me smile and love,
Until that day every object on the face of this planet I curse,
Not to feel the love of mine.

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