When upon the melting snow and ice I walk I wish, My love for you melted away like this snow and ice.


Someone made me think that way. You know what, if you are trying to piss me off you have succeeded by ignoring me. But that won’t stop me from loving you or won’t stop your love for me. Keep on blocking and keep on ignoring, in these years I have learned by practice to live with the pain of waiting and the frustration of being ignored and unforgiven.

“Freak Of Nature”

Winter is having a wrath going on outside. One week after I got into my new home, OMG every bone, vein, flesh is aching ooh, lot of moving, assembling and after all that today morning moving about 8 inches of snow to get my car out. Well if it were a week back I would not have cared for the snow as I had the Nissan Titan Truck. Now as I am not moving from one place to another I don’t need a gas guzzler that I cannot get into my garage. So sold that guy out and bought a small car, got a great deal on a new Nissan Sentra colored cappuccino brown. It is another simplicity I am going to. So as the car is smaller no 4 wheel drive needed to move all the snow out and of course I needed to move the snow in the walk way in front of the house. But the freaky side of winter is not over yet, it is still snowing and more will come thurs-fri and later on Sunday. You know what, it is good work out during winter times, burns all the excessive fat I gained from the free lunch I am getting at work . So most people who asked what happened on Feb 14th in not doing the BlogTV comeback show, the car buying kept me at the dealer till 10:00PM. 4 and a half hours of negotiation got me a monthly savings of nearly $400. Now a week later tonight I am going to do it. Or at least give it a try to do it. If I am feeling too tired I may not do a show. But there is a 90% chance I will do a BlogTV show tonight. I am not expecting much crowd there because most of my subscribers left blogtv. Hope to get some new viewers there soon.


Have a great day everyone.

This is the first picture taken after setting up the computer table and chair in the new house. I am still moving stuff around and arranging. My main enemy dust. So weekend is flying by fast. Sorry it took a while to set up the internet so I was not able to do blogtv shows or post the poem here. I will do that either tomorrow or Monday evening.

Unpaved Paths.

One of the shortest poems I have written in recent times. Short it maybe but to those who knows the truth, they may sit and think about this for a long time. There are people who don’t care about birthdays, anniversaries etc. But I care about it. I take extra care to greet my friends and family to greet them. I give small gifts too. Many care to thank, some forget to thank, some just were not born to know why others care about them and claim they can love when what they can only do is to hurt. And to those uncaring, thankless people I say, thank you very much as by the actions of all of you I get the juice to write. What follows is one of those writings. Still I remember when someone said, “This is way beyond hurting” Still I remember, “You my friend will never be forgotten” Yes I will never be forgotten for the love that one has for me I cannot return in the same measures.


Here is


Unpaved Paths.


Love a reality of hundreds of illusion to two minds comes,

 Every illusion from a thought births,

Oh’ those as dreams in minds translates,

Oh’ those dreams one see, paths to the reality of love.


You and I O my darling we have seen those paths,

At the starting point of many paths many times we stood,

Never a step on those paths we laid,

And we went astray through paths unpaved to each other.

Words Of Apology

Let the sun set in the west and when night knocks on your door, when clock strikes 7:30PM in the central plains and in the diary lands you will see and you will hear on BlogTV, a poet talking to himself and the world scrambling to find “Words Of Apology”.


This my friends, family and my darling is the house I bought. It took a while to get things done. It is not new, it is not big, it is the simplest of the places. On the morning of my birthday(Feb 14th) I will gift this to myself. Bless me and my new home.

You, Me And Us

There is a quill in my mind that is writing.
There are couple of eyes out there looking,
There is a dream out there floating,
Ah’ let the dream fly on its own,
For this man never owned it,
May never will own it,
I am no man who wants to lose you,
I am no man who wants to lose myself,
 My love for you forever will be there.
Can’t do anything more,
Can’t say anything more,
Think hard darling, how much you love me,
And do what it takes to bring to me,
What we will never lose,
You, me and us.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2011


Waking up from a dream, Ah’ what a dream it was I said,
I saw her in a crowd in locomotive I’ve never seen,
She said something when her head she raised,
Her humming oh’ still echoes,
Her perplexed face, Oh’ felt sorry for being there,
Reminded me of a promise I made,
Ran, Ran and through the sands of beach faster I ran,
Her humming still echoed in my ears,
The word in a language I don’t understand sounded,

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