I thought many times whether to write this poem and after writing whether to release this poem because of an ethical issue in this poem. To all readers I have written this poem out of reality but don’t worry I am fine and I will be fine. I don’t want 5 comments saying how sorry one feels about me. Nope I seek no kindness from anyone. Someone once offered it and I rejected it and I will reject it. I seek nothing more. This is it. Even if I write a poem this year I will not be able to post it here because of the maturity time it needs before it can be released. Poetically .. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and A Happy New Year.
To Time.
Gather not the memories of these days,
For in these days Sun rays make me cold,
The wind made me feel shy,
The trees stood bare naked and watched,
The gymnastics with the love of mine I did.
Oh’ I fell and all bones of my passions broke,
I lay defeated for the rhythms of heart I heard,
Only mine beyond my thoughts for me lived.
Reality she will follow,
She may fall or she may fly,
She may remain hidden,
Or through every vein of a generation she will run,
Her success and failure time will bear witness.
Gather not the memories of these days,
For these days are only steps to a day,
When I will take another girl by hand,
I will take another girl in my hand,
And again and again myself I will curse,
For not becoming the love of her.
©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2011.
A very moving piece.
One of my favourites. 🙂
@clarajae – Thank you very much Clara. I am really glad you like this poem.