
You want to know about the survival of me during my 20s and early 30s? Here, this is where you can read it all. About 15 years were like 10 lifetimes. I am thankful to God for giving me such a fulfilling life and of course I have to thank couple of people who directly or indirectly inspired me to write. Then there is one person whom I chose as a model to write another set of poems but ended up much more closer than that emotionally and that circus to emotionally detach from her with poetry brought in more than 110 poems in this book. I sincerely thank her for her support and well wishes. Yes, now I can say I survived. This is not the whole story of the survival. There is more to come. The first of which will be made available next month. “Scent Of Spring” next part is “Flames From Frost” and the third and final part will be “Yesterdays And Romantic Feelings” which will be coming out in 2013 Summer. So busy time for me to write, edit and release books, as for you all start with this one.

Age Of Survival-Collection Of Poems

The Elusive Shadow.

“There are no limits to what in your mind fills, Only one thing between you and me stands, A long dark shape filled with painful past, your shadow.” These three lines were what I wrote in my journal in different parts of a wild week. Then I elaborated on those three lines to make this poem.

The Elusive Shadow.

The potency of the essence of life to know,
Oh’ time many through their lifetimes spent,
To learn the ways all connect,
And the ways many disconnect through bare reality,
But the truth, the ultimate truth one learned,
When nothing of this world one understood,
Yes, that truthful moment when umbilical chord detached,
In pain or gladness none knows why one screamed,
The truth is, from then on, there are no limits to what in your mind fills.

From that moment of detachment one starts,
The search with passion and emotions filled,
To anything and everything to attach,
Some in pious gestures and words try,
Some with arrogance and anger ones own mind betray,
Some like pathetic mongrels moan,
Oh’ why ones own fate one should write,
When what one must do is to live what is already written,
Ah’ those unknown verses of fate known,
When soul of each other without any senses we felt.
 Still you know not what between us stood and now stands.

What darkness in your past spread I know not,
What in your eyes filled tears, I know not,
But from everyday of your past dripped,
And into a long dark silhouette became,
A shadow the world called,
But with all my love and then with material strength I failed,
To venture beyond that shadow who moved,
In the chaotic rhythms of a world with evil machinations filled.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2012.


A Poet’s View Of A Lost Lover.

A Poet’s View Of A Lost Lover.

Evade he cannot from the sunshine spreading,
And like a vampire away into darkness he ran,
Nightingales their last rituals they sang,
And the moon behind the curtains of day slept.

Warmth of the sun rays spring morn fought,
Fog like tap dancers up and down danced,
Ah’ the wonders of nature any poet can write,
The magnificence of the feelings so hard to express.
Yet, from the darkest corners the blooming morning glory he watched.

Silence he hated, darkness he hated, hiding he hated,
Oh’ all that he hated in his life, adored his life,
Melancholy gave rhythm to the tunes from his heart came,
And away with fog his dreams vanished.

Pain the poet can write, sadness the poet can write,
Ah’ the glory of love the poet can write,
What will he do when love is beyond sadness and pain?
Light he don’t want, sound he don’t want,
Scent of anything he don’t want,
And to touch even the Earth he walked permission to God he asked.
For he felt, without her love nothing else on Earth he deserved,
In darkness his senses he shut,
Oh’ the way he found to deal with the haunting pain.

Even when age, time and naughty nature from all around gnawed,
Still the spark in his eyes can be seen,
The spark even in the darkest part of the dark glowed,
The spark that glittered her face again and again filling his soul.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved 2012.

In my break time from Facebook and blogs I learned to Leave the ego, Kill the pride, Melt the Anger in love Never insult even for fun A smile increases ones life by three seconds so keep smiling even when sleeping.

Then last night I saw a dream… someone sitting beside me holding a printed copy of some poem I wrote for her and telling me “I am so sorry, one of these nights I am going to find some time and talk to you” That’s the second time I have seen her in my dreams in the last seven years.(last time I saw her in a dream I went out and prayed for her) So it taught me this The toughest thing to do is to live without forgiving. Apology accepted and I seek your forgiveness for all the things I said.

I love what I feel…. simplicity.

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