The morning was awesome I just slept like a log for how many hours I don’t know. I woke up to a magic and it lasted for some time. From about 8 lines I wrote a while back I went up and down to write the new in the Magic Of Julia series.
“Farewell flames, through mind like wild fires spread,
As every corner of my soul with her love she filled,
And into every bit of my life herself she merged,
Leaving a silhouette of true love for the world to see.
Farewell flames that in slow heat burned all my thoughts,
And in mind left the filth of depression, of love unacknowledged,
As every word of love from her as soothing rain lashed,
And filled in every vein of mine sprouting everything new.”
Then the morning spread, it is cold and I see that the birds in my backyard finished an entire tube of feed in less than 24 hours. Wow they are packing up for the winter. Two months before after some stale months I wished for a change. It was a bad idea. That’s all I can say.
Have a great day everyone.