A Mischievous Mirage.

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The title of this poem was taken from the last line of the second stanza. Here is the thought behind this poem….. This was a day I felt pretty bad and my mind was filled with assumptions and doubts and I just thought about many years I spent loving a girl. Every moment praying, wishing for her love, making scenarios about how it will all happen and from it all writing poetry. Now from what I know this girl come to my blog every time I post something here and reads what I write and leave without a word. As she don’t say a word I can only assume, that, it is not because she likes my writing she comes here. Contrary to all that I wished for, what I ended generating in her mind is fear. That is what is bringing her here to see what exactly I am thinking. What can I say? Shit happens in life and I am literally neck deep in some serious love shit. I have to accept this my friends. When I am thinking from a neutral perspective I really don’t deserve it. I deserve a better meaning and if my words and actions can only instill fear in someone whom I thought may love me, the world will have to call me a loser beyond imagination. If anyone calls me that this moment I will accept it with a smile on my face and hiding tears in my eyes…..
At 2:00AM wide awake and finishing my thoughts I wrote the following poem.

A Mischievous Mirage.

Eradicate from mind all doubts and fear,
For in my mind I hold no grudge for you dear,
Give me a smile filled with your love,
As that smile holds the healing for all our fear.

For every mischiefs in the past to you I apologize,
But your forgiveness is a naughty little wind unflown to me,
You are my mind, you are my reality,
Or all I am will be a mischievous mirage.

To bless me with your love to God every conscious moment I plead,
As I know no better blessing God can give,
As in every smile of yours God with audacity filled,
The magnificence of his power of creation for world to see.

Whisper to me a word of care,
As I know in your words filled are the blessings,
That will forever erase every bit of pain from my heart,
Whisper to me the will of your love.

Or scold me for the mischief of love I felt for you,
And never will I write any word with your image in mind,
And never will I love any creation of God,
And the rest of my days in prayers for forgiveness I will spend.

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