The Reality

This little poem was written during a drive back home after a night out party. It was about 2:45AM and I was driving home after dropping one of my friend and his wife home. It was dark and the night was creeping all over me. I just recorded this into my phone… I rephrased this a bit.

The Reality.

The passion for life builds,
In the childhood days, in laughs and tears,
Dragged through the learnings of emotions,
Rebelling through the vast ocean of knowledge,
Ah’ we learn to love, we learn to hate, we learn to act.

In it all a reality unfolds, Sadness is that reality,
Oh’ looking on the beauty of the twilight waking in the east,
The soul weeps, Ah’ remembering the days where we parted,
The soul weeps. Ah’ remembering your smiling face,
In it all a reality unfolds, Sadness is that reality.

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