The Lucky Man.

Spread the love
The horizons upon your eyes reflected,
And from it grown a pleasant feeling,
Deep in my heart that told me how you felt,
Then to all the lovers in the world I told,

“Look at me not Oh’ lovers look at your lovers eyes,
For in through those eyes you will see,
The fulfillment of a lifetime of desires,
Filled with love none else will feel and understand.

Gather every breath of yours,
And into your soul blow the air,
Filled with the scent of her love,
For the world to see that love evolved as your love.”

To the horizons I once more looked,
And saw stars waking up from all corners,
Oh’ then a smile spread through every luck of mine,
Once more telling how wonderful to be the love of yours.

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Photo by Talles Alves on Unsplash

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