The howl of a wolf from far I heard,
The cunning darkness those howls break,
From them in fear I always ran,
A fear that grown thin every day.
Upon our own kindness we step,
And as if unknown away we walk,
Emotions are by products of senses,
And to express them Oh’ we forgot.
Another kind of emotions we have,
Far beyond any sense can comprehend,
Oh’ my love for you fades,
In those emotions none can ever understand.
When mind in earthly atmosphere suffocates,
The flames of fire of unknown origin
What left of a heart that still beats,
Beats in rhyme with your heart.
Curse those who made these cages,unseen,
Curse those who fabricated binding rules,
Curse those who drawn unseen lines,
Curse those who can never stop this bleeding.
The howl of many wolves from near I hear,
They are growing in numbers every day,
They will find me and eat me one day,
Oh’ they will kill and eat in thankfulness,
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Photo by Perchek Industrie on Unsplash