Blog Post About This Poem
The brush into the depth of paints dipped,
The palette the symbol of mind’s chaos became,
One by one colors mixed and merged on a canvas,
Oh’ the sanctity of the painted known,
When I saw the loved filled eyes of mine,
Perfectly portrayed by her passions.
Silent stayed the light with her image
Bound by the flow of our love
Love that failed to reach our souls
In ripples of the world,
Away and away they sailed.
Haven’t you heard the cry from your heart?
Haven’t you felt the touch of your own soul?
Oh’ how can you hear those cries as lost they are,
In the blabbering of the minds around you,
Who all in ordurous machinations into your ears, screamed.
Oh’ how many veils you may wear?
To hide the love upon your skin glow.
How many times away from my eyes you will look?
To hide from happiness you and I can have,
Then kneel and pray to all doors of heaven to keep our love.
My dear, my dearest the world ah’ just an apparel,
Fight not a demon I never was nor a man of material exploitation.
As, though from far I hear, the whispers of your soul,
A soul that spoke the story of our love that let,
Let the ripples of the world sail away and away and away.
Invisible became the brush that painted,
Colors once bulked the tubes now part of a masterpiece,
The poetry of the poet a million images portrayed,
Ah’ all the verses and colors meant a meaning,
Meaning of a promise like a jasmin fresh bloomed.
Ah’ forget I never will to leave a smile upon your face.
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