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Faded shadows scares none in morning so pleasant,
Those shadows that followed two loving hearts,
Ah’ they fell apart into the light from his loving heart,
Oh’ loved he beyond his own imaginations and her.
The sad tunes he heard ah’ in beat they rhymed not,
With a heart that beat in tune of an anthem of love
From her heartbeat sprouted and tweeted
By a weaver in counterpoint in the rhythm of his heart.
Those sad tunes ah’ in their rhythm in ecstasy danced,
Those shadows whispering spells of manipulating craft,
Ah’ dark paths into their souls slowly gnawed,
And two souls O’ loving souls in awful perplexity stood.
Love denied and uncouth drama unfolded,
Heart ached, sleepless nights, hearts slowed, dreams faded,
The pleasant world around ah’ they all became,
Monstrous monuments of loveless suffering.
As the tears from eyes fell, ah’ prayers sprouted,
From Earth, from Air, from the falling Rain and Frost,
Shadows and their whispers, into melancholic oblivion, faded
The loving heart ages not, love of his kind exists in rarity.
Ah’ even silence bowed with a prayer Angels to heavens carried.
And returned in haste making him and her smile at each other.
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