The glory of a long lost past he doesn’t have,
As time with him lived and hollow promises,
Promises by the world around given,
In systems humanity built from the beginning of times.
From evolution, from sciences, from every discipline,
Promises that led generations to absolute emptiness,
And emptiness that spread inside from outside,
With all the dynamics of life that numb senses.
In it all grown a belief from when senses started to feel,
A belief that came with the trust that all that were given,
From the aching loses and the drowning dreams,
Ah’ nothing more is send at him than he can handle.
Years passed as nothing negative brought him down,
Though loses outnumbered success and into past drowned,
World turned, time aged, ah’ emotions sprouted teardrops,
Lost causes of love and romance in time and space, undrowned.
Trust and belief about life Oh’ a fantastic light kindled,
That shown a dream in her eyes, he saw into his soul grew,
Belief in trust and trust in the truth of his love fueled,
His senses to feel her in everything his senses can feel.
Through the past and about any future that may come,
Ah’ all through the day and most part of the night he searched,
To learn more, to grow more and be the perfection he can,
To love her a little more with all his flaws and the good he has.
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