Blog Post About This Poem – Read This Before Reading The Poem.
The howling winds rolled way up above in chanting,
The prayers of minds lost in love and lost their love,
Fabricated life rooted all around the barren lands,
The lost greenery felt like the love lost to memory.
The dawn choreographed the dew drops dance,
Twilight yawned and woke up the East,
“Oh’ horizons of my birth” my waking soul wept,
Memories filled my soul with her faces for me to smile.
Then to the west I looked as gloom set with twilight in East,
The spreading warmth about an up coming sprint sang,
Those murmurs like chanting monks bare naked trees echoed,
The scattered clouds united and showered a blessing upon my love.
What threads from nature I will take and weave,
A new dream for me to spread through my senses,
You are not a dream, not a story, not a metaphor,
You are the love that redefined and rediscovered my love.
Every bit of Nature and every bit of imaginations showed,
Only you and only through you I feel the real and unreal,
And Nature for you and I spread every thread for us to weave,
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