Oh’ through the Nature I looked,
From the west to east and east to west,
Absorbing everything from my heart I sang,
Verses about my love and the one I love.
When in everything I sense I feel you,
Ah’ even Mother Nature in jealous weep,
Wiping off those showers of tears more I love,
More to taste happy tears I have never tasted.
Not a dream seller I am nor a dream weaver,
Ah’ dreams of mine are filled with you,
So no dream can I drown or float away,
For in the realization of them is a definition.
The definition of you and I, ah’ a fulfillment,
Of us like a stagnant pond in the woods stands,
Why torture minds when love you and I taste?
Ah’ why fear to be you and I for each other?
You and I oh’ dear are part of the present a reason,
Not another fancy of an unloving evil machination,
What breaks hearts will laugh through our times,
What unites us will spread light through times.
So weave your dream our faces standing eye to eye,
Hand in hand, and heart beating in other’s joy.
Whatever maybe the fate that brought us together,
Let us not fall for the ills of it but make it a memory of love.
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