The Power Of Verses.

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The night wrapped the world around me and suppressed,
Every bit of light and brought eyes sleepy chaos.
Then to the coming dream I asked,
“Do you know the pain of a broken heart?”

Silence surrendered me to the darkest part of the dark,
Where even the phantoms of the world dare to embark
Then I felt a movement in the passions that surrounded,
And to my sleep and my conscience a tweeting voice spoke.

“Have you ever felt the beginning of the winds,
That twirls and explode the atmosphere and becomes a storm?
Have you ever known the pain of a mother,
Who lost her child before the child known the world?

Have you ever felt the first touch of the first leaf of fall?
Have you ever woke from a dream in which you lost,
A fight with an unknown enemy whom you can never know?
All that together brings, a grain of pain what a broken heart feels”.

With very question of the tweeting voice I saw,
The reality of the answer that in my eyes came,
And stayed until a drop of tear filled my eyes,
Except the pain of a mother that I will never know.

Into darkness I woke, hearing the sounds of heaters,
I know no dream hold me down oppressed,
Ah’ through the day into the next night I slept.
For a dream to speak eight lines of verses of present reality.

Conscience questioned my life as a poet and a lover,
And to him I said, “Feel the peace that comes to us,
When with a broken heart every night to sleep I fall,
But with the power of love in verses every time I wake,

The power of verses found only in my love for her.”.

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Photo by Ana Francisconi on Unsplash

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