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The sky over the cityscape floated,
Mind felt looking upside down at the world,
And over the landless lake moved,
Clouds, to heal the wrath and crimes,
Upon the passed by lands seen.
The pained, and
The dreamers, and dreams, the fulfilled, and failed,
Laughters, and tears, smirks, and smiles,
Oh’ emotions of humans outshined even the thunderbolt,
The cry of the shattered dream unheard, deliberately.
The clouds scattered into the darkness of night who spread,
His wings across plains, and plateaus, and mountains, and seas,
Life for many a drama of upon a floating stage filled,
With unanswered questions, and unpredictable actions.
The scream of the soul pierced, ah’ beyond human hearing.
Dawns came, noons flourished, lives lived, but for the unloved,
Blooms bloomed, dusks came, nights widespread, but still failed,
To feel the heart, to feel the soul, and for eternity pain unfold,
What better curse an unloved can have than being unloved?
Fail their dreams, siege them and make them feel, in a coffin.
Lifeless dreams, dreamless lives, compassionate hearts lay wreaths,
Define to heavens compassion, after broken hearts fall and buried,
Define to the world, what charity pays dues, for shattered dreams,
Oh’ dear, the dearest no more love can be sought without your face,
For I know none can ever come anywhere close to the way you love.
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