The blue jay as if in a flow of music from a flute, flew,
The winds in counterpoint played the leaves like violins,
Her wings fluttering through the falling dew rhymed,
With beating hearts of lovers, holding breathe in prayers.
The sun from his hiding spot behind clouds sneaked,
As if soft fingers upon a harp glided swiftly,
Ah’ music through nature up and down danced,
And romancing smiles upon hopeful lovers sprouted.
Stillness and silence have left the valley of the lovers,
All that fell in the fall and froze in the winter, forgotten,
The cheering sprouts up to heave looked as if in thankfulness,
For the spreading prosperity, of land, air, and the singing river.
The inspiration to live longer and longer, happier and happier,
Ah’ shook the whole body into forgetfulness of reality,
The unreal looked and sounded like the real but then we know,
Oh’ all that we imagined as unreal ah’ in real unfolded.
Unreal to real, happier to unhappier, ah’ life can seesaw,
Clouds can conceal, yet light from sun still will reach,
Nature can unfold the magnificence of a mighty creation,
All will make man a forgetful creature of flesh and blood.
Yet, inspiration from unreal and real, happier and unhappier came,
Not to forget the one true inspiration to construct happier thoughts,
A smile and bright eyes, a heart and fantastic soul, and beauty that fills,
Every bit of nature a man through all his senses feels, your face.
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